You Make My Life Worthwhile With The Slightest Smile....Part 1

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A/N - I am posting this for Valentine's Day so here is a heart and a hug readers!  Check out my cool 1970's California house aesthetic.

2nd March 1976

Los Angeles CA

Brian's POV

The rain pounding against the window woke me up. So much for sunny California. But I don't care. All feels right with the world. I opened my eyes and gazed down at the perfect little person sleeping next to me. Her blonde hair was nestled into the pillow and her serene face is calm. I couldn't help but smile at the joy I felt inside as I watched my two favorite people in the whole world slumber by my side. Tiger Lily had fallen asleep in our bed last night and we left her there. We both turned in early as well. Between a long day of travel and the excitement of being with Tiger Lily and Clare again, I was wiped out. I slept like a baby next to my baby. Both of my babies.

Roger was snoring softly and was on his side facing me and Tigs. His long lashes were floating against his face and I loved the opportunity to lay there and see how much they looked alike. Between the hair color and eyes there was enough, but the mouth and chin held similar aspects and she has a full face like he does. It is a lovely sight in front of me. I feel a serenity and peace right now that I don't want to ever lose. I wanted to berate myself mentally for even considering Chrissie's offers to me. I have so much right here, right now. I am grateful and happy. I am still in shock about the surprise appearance of Tigs and Clare at the airport. I truly had no idea they were coming. Apparently everyone knew but me. I was almost embarrassed at how I reacted when Tiger Lily toddled into the lounge but my heart exploded with joy to see her precious face and her lifeforce in my presence. It was almost too much to bear. It made me love Roger that much more for how considerate he is. I know her being with us will be a balm for my emotional woes.  Nightmare be gone!

Tiger Lily started moving around and her eyes opened. I watched quietly as she became aware of her surroundings as she laid next to me. She turned her face and caught sight of me and her expression was just heavenly. Her radiant smile filled my heart.

"Good morning poppet...." I whispered to her as she rolled towards me. She began to giggle at me as I held her tiny hands and kissed her sweet face. I wanted to stop her giggles as I knew it would wake Roger. Before I could act I saw Roger's eyes open as well. He blinked a few times and then focused on us both with an easy grin.

"Morning babe..." he told me as he smiled at us. "Morning baby girl..." he cooed to Tiger Lily. She was looking back and forth at both of us with a silly grin and began babbling. I saw Roger look over at the clock and then he moved to sit up in bed. "Time for a fresh nappy.." he announced as he got out of bed and then reached down to pick up Tiger Lily. He sat her on a small couch in our large bedroom and pulled out everything he needed from her bag. I sat up in bed and proudly watched him expertly change her and clean her up as he softly spoke to her. He left her pajamas  off of her and carried her back to bed just wearing her nappy. He sat her back in the middle of the bed again and then sat down on the bed next to us.

"I bet she was a bit overdue for a new nappy..." I remarked to him as Tigs crawled into his lap. Roger shook his head at me as he ran his hands through her hair.

"Actually...I changed her in the middle of the night..." he informed me. "I got up for a piss and decided to change her then...she felt wet..." I loved how caring he was with her these days and how he has fallen into doing things for her instinctually. Like he was combing through her hair right now without thinking about it. Fatherhood has finally sunk in.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked him as I got up from the bed and walked to our private bathroom. I left the door open as I relieved myself and washed up.

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