You make me a millionaire..Part 1

678 23 18

7th June 1976


Brian's POV

"We're going to run out of room to hang these gold records.."  Roger remarked to me as we both placed our new awards in our music room.  He is right.  Between the awards for our prior three albums and the new one, the space on the walls has diminished.

"We need more space I guess.."  I replied benignly.  I noticed Roger's face light up at my suggestion.  He sat his award down against the wall and walked over to me and put his arms around me.  I instantly pulled him in for a hug then held him loosely in front of me.

"Are you suggesting we find a bigger place to live?" he asked me with a huge grin on his face.  This isn't what I had intended but I could see he liked the idea.

"I was going to say that we could hang some in the bathroom to be honest.."  I teased and Roger rolled his eyes at me.

" all seriousness..hear me out.."  Roger responded and slipped out of my hold to look at me intently.  "If we are having another kid...we probably need a larger house..."  Roger took my hand and started to lead me out of the room.  I followed him to the kitchen and he gestured for me to sit down at the table.  I sat and he walked over and grabbed a folder and came and sat down next to me.  He pulled out some papers and put them in front of me.

"What's this?" I asked him as I looked at the material.  They were flyers about real estate.  I was shocked to see the size of some of the houses in the photos attached to the information sheets.  They were basically mansions.  Some appeared to be estates on large pieces of land.

"I was just looking at some houses.." he tried to sound casual as he pointed to the pictures of the enormous homes displayed on the brochures.

"These aren't houses Rog...they're mansions...estates even..."  I clarified to him.  "We live in a house...these are homes for the rich and famous.."  I remarked in a serious tone.  I wondered why he was even taking an interest in these houses.  We can't afford this.  

"I think you need to remember that we are rich and famous Bri..."  he countered to me.  I shook my head at him.  I can't believe he thinks we are at this level of fame and wealth.  We are not even close. 

"Yes..we've had some hit records and made some money..."  I agreed. "But these places cost a fortune Rog...we don't have this kind of money...we need to save our money to make sure we have some if this all ends..."  I explained to him.  Roger looked unhappy with my response to his declaration.

"Were you even at our meeting today?" he questioned in a slightly annoyed tone.  "Did you listen to the figures Reid and the accountant gave us?"  he asked me. "Or are you just distracted by whether Clare is pregnant?"  he threw at me.  I was irritated that he felt that was all I have on my mind.  The baby.

"I heard every word they said me...I know we've made a lot of money...I know you've certainly cashed in with your B-side of the single.."  I told him with a tone that showed my annoyance.  I didn't begrudge him his earnings but I didn't want him throwing his money in my face either. 

"So let me take that money and buy us a nice place to live.."  he responded with passion.  

"So this place isn't nice enough?"  I questioned as I gestured at the room to reference our perfectly nice house.  A house much fancier than the ones we lived in growing up.  "I guess when it was my money mostly paying for things...this was more than you're rich and we need to live somewhere more palatial?"   Roger's smile disappeared and a scowl formed on his face. He stood up from the table.

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