Am I A Happy Man..Or Is This Sinking Sand...

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A/N - Just a little tidbit about my timelines.  While I don't always follow the Queen timeline to a tee; the song, television, book and film references are factual.  Any mention of a song on the radio or a film or show they see is based on what was actually showing in the theaters or on British television or radio at that time.  This also holds true for product availability. If something had not been invented yet, you won't find it here.  And lastly, I try to tie in actual real world events happening during that time frame to flesh out what was going on in the world around them.  I find it fascinating to read what was going on in England when they were ascending in fame and wealth and their home country was in a terrible mess.  Sorry for rambling..

Kind of a long chapter...

October 1975


Roger's POV

I was lying in bed - alone.  Brian was off again at the studio working on his bloody songs.  He has been gone most days for weeks.  Don't get me wrong.  It's fucking amazing.  At least the parts I have heard that he strung together so far.  I just miss him. Missing being with him doing nothing.  I rolled over and turned the radio on. Trying to fill the emptiness in the room.  The dreadful new David Essex song was ending.  I was grateful. I hate that song!  I went ahead and left it on the station and was pleased when Elton's newest single played.  'Island Girl' was alright.  I like some of Elton's other stuff better.  It was still loads better than David Essex's piece of crap.  The phone rang so I turned down the music and answered it.


"Hi Roger! It's Caroline at John Reid's are you this morning?"  she asked me.  I wanted to answer that I was bored and lonely. 

"I'm pretty good!...what's up?" I wondered what this was about.

"I'm calling to recruit you for some promotional work for the new album.."  she answered.  "Your other band members seem to be busy and declined my request.."  she explained.  I quickly imagined her fruitless call to Brian or Freddie.  Too busy in the studio finishing up their tracks.  I knew for certain if she called Deacy he made some excuse.  No way was he going to do some promotion work by himself.  Especially without Freddie there to support him.

"Oh yeah?  What do you have in mind?"  I asked her.  I wasn't opposed to doing some interviews and talking about the new record.  I was generally comfortable with the press, as long as they weren't pricks about our music.

"I actually need someone to appear on television!  Saturday Scene with Sally've seen it before?"  Caroline asked me.  I had seen it once or twice.  It was a complete fluff show with five minutes from each guest and lightweight questions.  Easy!

"Yeah...I've seen it!  Do you need me to go on?"

"That would be fantastic!  Can I have a car pick you up tomorrow morning at 8?"

"Sure!  I'll be ready..."  Caroline practically squealed in the phone.  I held the receiver back from my ear.

"Thank you!  Thank you!"  she told me.  I hung up with her and drug myself from the bed.  I left the radio on and went into my bathroom.  I used the toilet and stood at the sink cleaning up and noticed my face in the mirror.  My hair looks like shit!  It has grown out and has no shape and the color seemed dull and lifeless.  It seemed to make my skin seem drab as well.  I ran my hand through it and grimaced at my own reflection.  I had lost some of my youthful glow.  I was not ready for an appearance on tv.  I heard my sister knock on my bedroom door and walked out to answer it.

"Yeah?"  I asked her as I opened the door. 

"Morning Rog.."  Clare said as her and Tigs stood in the doorway.  Clare was standing with Tigs at her feet.  She was helping her remain standing and they were practicing her walking.  I squatted down and picked her up and my daughter cooed at me as I gave her a hug and kiss.

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