Sail Away Sweet Sister - Part 5

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A/N - Okay readers- It is Christmas in July!  I have placed a little secret in the story somewhere.  Let me know if you find it!

Just a reminder this is fiction and I don't always follow exact on...

13th December 1979

Surrey / London

Brian's POV

"We can go tomorrow...I promise..."  I told Tiger Lily as I pulled my coat on.  She looked so disappointed but I had so much to accomplish in a short amount of time today and if I took her along I would never finish.

"We've got the pantomime in a few days..."  Clare reminded us both.  I had forgot and am glad she is  on top of the schedule.  I hope Mia is as organized as Clare.  I try to be but we get so busy with so many things I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed.

"That's right!"  I said to Tigs.  "We're going to see Cinderella!" I reminded her.  She bounced up and down in her seat and looked excited.

"Is Jimi coming?"  she asked me.  I shook my head.  

"No...he's too little for it..."  I replied.  She looked over at Roger seated in his favorite spot to watch television.  He was slumped over and looked like he might fall asleep.

"Is Papa going?"  she then asked.  We had already talked about this but I guess she didn't remember.

"No...Papa has to go Christmas shopping..."  I explained to her.  Roger glanced up at my saying these words and I shot him an annoyed expression.  He detests music theater and refuses to go see the Christmas pantomime with his child.  I was still cross at him for it.  So here I was lying to protect her feelings that his disdain for theater was more important than her.  My irritation was interrupted when Jimi went over to Roger and he reached down and picked him up and tucked him into his side as he switched the television channel.

"Tigs!  Play Away is starting...."  Roger called out to our daughter.  She dropped her focus on me and ran over and dove onto the sofa next to Roger.  He pulled her close just like Jimi on his other side and looked up at me with a satisfied grin.

"I'll watch this with them instead..."  he said with a knowing look.  I knew he was saying this was his replacement for going to the theater.  I sighed and decided the battle wasn't worth it and waved to them all.

"Well...I'm off..."  I announced.  The kids barely looked up from the show to say goodbye.  I know they like this show.  It is an odd mix of songs, jokes and some educational content.

  It is an odd mix of songs, jokes and some educational content

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I left home and drove straight into London.  I had a list of people I needed gifts for and I had something special I needed to collect from a shop.  I stopped into a book store and got a few gifts and picked up a special order for my father.  My next stop was a boutique to find something nice for Clare.  It wasn't my only gift for her but I wanted something tangible for her to open.  Finding something for Mia had proven challenging since we didn't know her well yet.  I managed to find out that she loved mystery books and had managed to come across a first edition signed copy of Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None.'  I thought she might start a collection as something of her own.

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