The Lily Of The Valley...Doesn't Know

692 27 25

6th August 1981

Munich Germany - Musicland Studios

Deacy's POV

"Ronnie really liked this one..."  I told Freddie as we looked at some photographs I brought for him to see.  Freddie beamed as he looked at himself with my sons.  A photo taken during our tour in South America.  He was on the bus and Robert and Michael were seated on either side of him.  I felt it captured their ease at being with their Uncle Freddie.  He was such a natural with kids.  Ronnie had commented on it more than once to me.

"Oh!  I love it!  Can I get a copy of it?"  Freddie asked as he gazed fondly at my boys.  I nodded to him and he smiled at me.   "Lovely..."  he responded and clapped his hands with delight and then began looking through the remaining pictures.   I took a sip of my tea and pondered having a snack.   I got up and went to see what was in the cupboard.  

"Want something?"  I asked him and Freddie shook his head.  

"No...thank you darling..."  Freddie responded.  I found a small packet of cheddar crisps and carried them to the table.  "You'll spoil your dinner..."  Freddie said in a tone that reminded me of my mother.  

"Ratty's taking forever...I'm hungry..."  I argued.  Freddie scoffed at me and resumed looking at the pictures. I decided to wait for our food and shoved the packet to the center of the table.  I slumped in my chair and felt my stomach growl.  Freddie tucked the photos back in their sleeve and handed them to me.  

"Thank you for bringing them..."  he told me with affection in his face.  "We did had a good time..."  he remarked as I placed the photos in my bag.  

"We did..."  I agreed.  "And Venezuela will be grand..."  I added; thinking about our brief tour there next month.  Mack came into the room wearing a smile and walked over to us holding up a bundle of mail.

"You've got some post..."  he commented and set the stack on the table.  Freddie proceeded to grab his pile.  I reached for mine.  It was what I expected.  My magazines and a few letters.  A catalog.  Freddie's face lit up as he began tearing an envelope.  We left Roger and Brian's mail on the table.  They could get it when they return in two days.  Mack slid into the booth next to us and glanced at the door.   "Where's the food?"  he questioned.  I shrugged as Freddie pulled out a letter and what appeared to be some newspaper clippings.  

"Ratty's late..."  I answered and saw Freddie reading the letter with a pleasant smile.  He had lots of friends who he corresponded with.  He particularly enjoyed postcards.  I noticed a few of those in his stack as well.  Before I could ask who the letter was from Ratty burst into the room carrying a large paper tote.

"Sorry!"  he whined.  "They fucked the order up and I had to wait for them to fix it..."  he informed us as he dropped the food bag on the table.  Looking exasperated.  I stood up and peered into the bag and began pulling out the foam containers.  I emptied the bag and noticed Freddie's smile had disappeared as he finished his letter.  I hoped it wasn't bad news.  He picked up one of the newspaper clippings.

"It's alright..."  I told Ratty in a friendly tone to make him feel better.  We got busy opening the cartons to see which food was in each one and soon sorted our meals.   "Here you go..."  I said and shoved Freddie's container his way.  His smile returned as we all proceeded to eat our Thai food.  Mack told us a funny story about when ELO had recorded there and Ratty made a quick departure.  He actually had a date with a waitress from the Sugar Shack.  Mack excused himself after he finished.  Since we had finished early for the day he was taking advantage and spending the evening with his wife; Ingrid.  Freddie and I were left alone as I got up to trash my container.

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