The Harder You Play...The Faster You Fall - Part 3

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A/N - There are multiple POV changes in this chapter

12th February 1977

Philadelphia PA

Roger's POV

"Hurry up Roger!  Let's get the fuck out of this bloody cold once and for all..."  Freddie whined to me as he hurried me on to our waiting tour bus.  I had been running late all morning and told Brian to go on ahead of me.  I couldn't seem to get myself together and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a jumper over the t shirt I slept in and slipped on my trainers before I grabbed my fur coat and bag and handed over my suitcases to Vick.  I hoped Brian had got me something to eat as I rushed through the hotel lobby for the bus.  Freddie was getting ready to board and shoved me ahead of him.  

"Alright!  Alright!"  I answered Fred in an irritated voice and made my way towards the empty bench seat.  Freddie noticed me going for it and tried to push past me to get it first.  I shoved at him and launched myself at the cushioned seat and landed with a grunt and smile as I claimed victory over him.  I laughed as Freddie flipped me off and he plopped down in a large chair on the opposite side of me.  He pressed the button to recline the chair a little and held up his hand as Dane came over to give him a coffee.

"I expect a turn on that bench seat in a few hours you little shit..."  Freddie informed me as he took his coffee cup and sipped his hot morning beverage.  Dane set some food down on the table next to him and laid a blanket over his legs.  I realized Dane was now practically his manservant.  

"Maybe your butler can shove me off in a little while..."  I cut back at my friend.  Freddie hissed at me and Dane just giggled as Freddie grabbed his fork to begin eating.  My own stomach growled watching him and I looked over to see Brian enjoying his own breakfast.  I considered getting up to see if he had anything for me but knew Freddie would take over my preferred seating.

"Hey Bri...did you remember to get the love of your life some nice breakfast?"  I asked him sweetly. He turned and looked all around him and I wondered what he was doing.  "What are you doing?"  I asked him.  He looked lost.

"I'm looking for the love of my life!"  he told me and looked right past me.  I hoped he was joking and Freddie started laughing loudly as I picked up a rolled newspaper and flung it at Brian.  It landed near his shoulder but he managed to catch it and tossed it back at me while smiling.  Deacy came out of the toilet at the back and Brian stopped him as he walked by.

"There you are!"  Brian told him and stood up.

"What?"  Deacy asked him with curiosity.  Brian took Deacy's face in his hands and pretended to kiss him.  Deacy giggled as he pushed Brian away.

"You're cute Bri...but I value my life!"  Deacy told him and winked at me.  Brian had a smug grin on his face as he grabbed a paper sack and walked it over to me.

"Your breakfast my liege!"  Brian announced as he bowed low and placed the sack in my lap.  I grabbed the hem of his jumper and pulled him down towards my face.

"Hah Hah!"  I told him with a huff and pulled him in for a kiss.  He pressed his lips to mine and we both smiled as we parted.  "Thanks for the food.."  I told him softly.  

"You're welcome babe..."


We left the winter blues of the northern part of America and drove due south for the warmth of sunny Florida.  Our next show wasn't until the 19th and we had some time off during our stay in Miami.   But the drive was almost 18 hours so we had some time to kill.  We managed to fill it with a heady game of death Scrabble and everyone napping at different intervals.  The mood was light and everyone was in good spirits and ready for some surf and sun.  We had loaded up the bus's kitchen with snacks and beverages to avoid having to stop for meals.  The driver just stopped once for some burgers and fries and a few times for petrol.  Before we knew it we arrived on the coast and the bus dropped us off at the gate of our local promoter's beachfront property around 1 in the afternoon on the 13th.  The promoter was lending us his summer home during our stay.  It was a nice all white dwelling with lush grounds and access to a private beachfront only used by the residents on this tiny street.

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