A Day At The Races...Part 1

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A/N - Just a reminder that I don't include technology in my story that didn't exist at the time.

25 September 1976


Brian's POV

"You're right at 12 weeks..."  Dr. Larsen advised as she examined Clare.  I sat in the chair in the small exam room with my notebook open to make notes and watched as the doctor set up the machine to listen to the baby's heartbeat.  "Now...we should be able to find a heartbeat today...but not always.."  I know the doctor was setting the right expectation.  I still had butterflies in my stomach as she began running the wand over Clare's exposed abdomen.  Her flat tummy had disappeared a few weeks ago and now had the appearance of looking swollen.  When I saw the doctor move the wand over her it was evident it is more than swelling.  The doctor smiled and stopped moving.  "I think I've got it!"  she exclaimed and reached over and turned the volume up.   The room filled with the rhythmic sound of the heartbeat.  My own heartbeat sped up as I heard my baby for the first time.  I almost couldn't close my mouth because my smile was so wide.   Clare turned her head to look at me and had an excited grin.

"Isn't it amazing?"  I asked her.  She nodded eagerly at me.  I couldn't help myself and set my notebook down and walked over to her.  "Oh Clare!  It's the most beautiful sound.." I told her as I stood by her head and took one of her hands.  The doctor smiled at us both.

"It sounds perfect...about 150 beats per minute..."  she observed.  Too soon she pulled the wand away and the magical sound of my baby disappeared.  The doctor walked over to the counter to lay down the equipment and make some notes.

"This is so real now!"  I told her excitedly and gently squeezed her hand.  Clare and I shared an exuberant expression.  

"It it real.. trust me!"  Clare joked as she let go of my hand and reached down to close her jeans up.  "The morning sickness and the weird cravings remind me it is real..."  she remarked.

"We are all done for today....don't forget to schedule your next appointment.." Dr. Larsen told Clare as I gave her my hand to help her sit up on the exam table.  I kept hold of her hand for appearances and because I am really happy.  "Any questions before you leave?"  she asked us both.  I actually didn't have any at this point.  

"I know it seems old hat these days..but what do you think about midwives and home births?"  Clare asked the doctor.  I was really surprised by her question.  The doctor smiled at her.

"I think if you have a normal pregnancy and no complications...a home birth should still be a viable option..you are young and in good health....is this something you are interested in?"  Dr. Larsen asked her.   Clare shrugged at the doctor.

"I read about it and I ask my Mum what it was like....she had my brother at home but had me in hospital....she said both had their pluses and drawbacks.."   Clare remarked to her.  The doctor nodded agreement.

"If you are serious about it...I recommend you decide no later than the end of the your second trimester.."  the doctor explained.  "We do have a private midwife service if you are interested.."  Dr. Larsen walked to the room door.  "Let me get you the information I have about it.."  she told us and left the room.  

"I didn't know you are interested in a home birth..."  I said to her as she got off the table and went to put her coat on.  

"I want to weigh all my options...and if it's not much different pain wise...then I wouldn't mind it so you and Rog can have a better experience when the baby comes.."  she told me sweetly.  My heart burst at her intentions.  I pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. 

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