A Will, And a Why and A Wherefore...Oh! And a Cupboard..

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A/N - There are several different POV's in this chapter.

19 September 1975


Brian's POV

"We've got a meeting in an hour...try to get something to eat.." Roger reminded me on the telephone as I looked over my recording notes.  I ran my hand through my hair to try and fluff it out.  I wasn't even hungry and there wasn't time.  I couldn't tell him that.  He would get upset.

"I will...see you there.."  I replied as I hung up the phone.  I had been at the studio all night working on 'The Prophet Song.' I had arrived yesterday early evening as Freddie was leaving.  He had been stringing together all his varied elements of the song he finally christened 'Bohemian Rhapsody!'  It was an outrageous name but it was also an outrageous song.  You either thought it was genius or sheer madness.  I found it to be genius myself.  The whole band did.  We loved the audacity of it and had mutually agreed to release it as our first single.  It felt as daring as everything we had decided to put on the new album.  It this point in the fame, we felt we had everything and nothing to lose.  So with that belief instilled in us, I had ventured to make my songs as masterful as the others on the record.  Doing this though takes time.  Something that is starting to run out.  The pressure from EMI has come to a head.  Between the recording costs we have racked up and no new single from us since last January, we have to deliver something by months end.   A single for now and a finished album to release in time for Christmas.  We will deliver; but it's taking every spare moment of my life to do it.  I've barely had time for sleep, let alone my family.  We have a meeting today about our status on the album and the final decision about the single.  I was exhausted but this had to be done.  I got up from my chair at the mixing board at Sarm East Studios and wandered to the toilets to freshen up and drive to the meeting.

I arrived at John Reid's production office and was shown to the meeting room.  I heard some raised voices as I went inside and found Freddie standing by a door at the opposite end of the room.  He was pulling on the door handle and shouting.

"You need to come out...this is ridiculous!"  he said and turned when he saw me come in and gave me a look of complete irritation. "You! Get over here and talk some sense in to your husband!"  he barked at me with his hands on his hips.  I had no idea what was going on and rubbed my hand over my face.

"What are you talking about?"  I asked him.  He rolled his eyes and then gestured dramatically at the door; grabbing the handle and twisting it.

"Roger has locked himself inside and won't come out!" he exclaimed.  I saw Deacy coming in behind me and I moved out of his way.  He saw Freddie and then Deacy and I exchanged a confused expression.  What was going on with these two?

"What do you mean he won't come out?  Rog!"  I said questioning what was going on and walked over to the cupboard door.  Freddie let go of the handle as I came up to it.  I took the handle and tried to open the door.  "Roger!  What is going on?  Come out!"  I asked through the apparently locked door.

"I thought Roger already came out of the closet!" Deacy quipped to us all.  I shot him an annoyed look but he just grinned at me.

"Tell him Fred!"  I heard Roger shout back through the barrier between us.  I turned to Fred looking for an answer.  He stood by me with his arms crossed and a foul look on his face. 

"Tell me Fred...why won't he come out?"  I asked him; completely annoyed at having to deal with one of their spats right now.  "What did you do?"   Freddie's face formed a grimace.

"I only told him his bloody car song wasn't going to be the B-side for my single.."  he announced.

"It's not fair!"  I heard Roger shout from the cupboard.  I tried opening the door again.  It wouldn't budge.

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