Sail Away Sweet Sister - Part 6

445 28 8

25th December 1979

Surrey / London

Voyeur's POV

Roger and Brian both looked at each other after Clare disappeared from the room. Brian was filled with concern about the reaction Clare had and worried he had upset her somehow. He went to stand up but Roger raised his hand up in the air.

"Let me go..." he said and Brian half nodded as Roger went after his sister.  Roger's head was spinning with trying to understand what just happened. While he found the song incredibly beautiful and a sweet tribute to his sister, a part of him was questioning what the underlying message of the song was. Did Brian just say he was in love with Clare? Did Clare run because she heard this in the song as well and left because she couldn't deal with it? Did Clare run because she feels the same way? A certain amount of fear crept into Roger's psyche that his husband and his sister had fallen in love right under his nose. It was something he head feared when his sister agreed to have a baby for them. He instantly recalled Brian's assurances it wouldn't happen but doubt about their ability to control their feelings absorbed Roger's thoughts as he reached the door to his sister's bedroom. A million questions and a lot of uncertainty dwelled as he gently knocked on the door. There was no immediate answer and Roger didn't know if she wasn't in there or if she was choosing not to answer.

"'s me...." he called out.  He waited and listened.

"I'm in here..."  Roger heard the faint response of his sister and realized she wasn't in her bedroom but was in Jimi's room.  He went down the hall and pushed open the slightly ajar door.  Clare was sitting in the rocking chair and looked up at him.  Her eyes were tear stained and she was holding a pillow against her stomach.

"Hey..."  Roger said softly to her.  "Are you okay?"  he asked her.  Clare wiped at her face and nodded to him.  There was silence for a moment before Clare spoke.

"Sorry..."  she finally muttered.  Roger shook his head and moved from the doorway closer to her.  He walked over and rested his arm against the top railing of the cot.  

"There is nothing to be sorry for...just talk to me..."  he replied.  More silence ensued.  Clare looked around the room and then over at her brother and smiled at him.

"I'm okay really..."  she suggested.  Roger didn't fully buy it. 

"Did the song upset you or was it something Brian said?" he asked carefully.  A fresh tear slid down Clare's face but she managed a smile.  Roger felt on edge not knowing what was wrong and feared the worst.

"I can't believe he wrote that for me..."  Clare told her brother.  "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard..."  Roger walked over to the dresser and grabbed some tissues from the box and then squatted down in front of his sister.  He handed her the tissues and she smiled as she took them.  "Thanks..."  she whispered and immediately dabbed at her eyes.

"So you're not upset with him?"  Roger asked her and Clare shook her head and made a sound of exasperation.  

"Of course not!  I just have no idea how to tell him what it means to me...I just felt overwhelmed and I guess I panicked a little..."  she confessed.  Her and Roger both shared a small chuckle as she sniffed and wiped her nose.  Roger reached over and grasped her free hand.  He was relieved to see it was just a case of being overcome with emotion.

"I know how it feels...."  Roger told her in a gentle manner.  "He's written a couple for me as you know...  he reminded her.  She smiled and squeezed her brother's hand.  

"What did you say to him about the last song you knew he wrote for you?"  she asked.  Roger tried to hide his negative feelings but wasn't going to lie to his sister.

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