A Day At The Races..Part 3

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A/N -  Ugh!  This is one of those chapters where I reworked it because I hated it and felt like it just got worse.  So please just rip the plaster off and let's move along....shall we??

Reminder - this is a work of fiction.  Queen did attend a promotional event for their upcoming album, A Day At The Races, on 16th October 1976 at Kempton Park Racecourse. Not all details  contained are factual.  I did research what I could but there are some gaps in information. 

16th October 1976

Sunbury on Thames England

Roger's POV

The air was brisk with a cold breeze and smelled of cut grass.  A loudspeaker regularly blared race updates to the crowd in the stands and adjoining walkways.  My nose curled at the faint scent of horse manure and my brow furrowed at our unplanned guest in attendance today.  Why did she have to be here?

"Hi Brian..."  Chrissie greeted him with her too sweet smile and walked up to give him a hug.  She failed to notice the dismay present on my face.  Brian looked absolutely mortified to see her which helped quell my increasing anger.  I know Brian feels obligated to be friendly.  Yes, Chrissie has done nothing wrong and was just trying to be sociable, but I reserve my right to dislike her on principle.  He accepted her hug and smiled nervously as he noticed me observing his every move.  Careful there Bri.. 

"It's lovely to see you.."  Brian replied and quickly ended their embrace.  I noticed Chrissie glancing at me and I know my expression reflected my feeling that she isn't welcome here.  She seemed uneasy and moved her gaze over to Jo who provided a more friendly response.

"Good to see you Chrissie.."  Jo told her as she exchanged a small handshake with her.  We all stood in awkward silence as the activity around us swelled.   The shutter sounds of cameras were heard and we all turned to see Freddie, Mary Austin and John Reid arriving.  The press were apparently more interested in our lead singer and manager; which was a relief.  Peter Brown ran over to greet Freddie and Reid and some unknown assistant walked up and handed each of us a large bag.  

"What's this?" I asked as I peeked inside the canvas tote.  The assistant smiled and gestured at the sizable box inside. 

"It's your commemorative gift for today....it's a horse racing board game and some other trinkets..."  the assistant explained.  I eyed a t-shirt next to the board game and figured I would give it to my sister.  Not that Clare doesn't already own a few Queen shirts.  I mean - I have a few himself.

  I mean - I have a few himself

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"Thanks.."  Brian replied to the assistant.  We have never seen this young man before.  I know Brian is as curious as I am about who he is.  "Are you new?"  Brian asked him politely.  The man gave Brian a warm smile and nodded.

"I am....yes...I was brought on to help Peter..."  he explained.  "My name is Paul...Paul Prenter..and you're Brian, right?"  the young man stuck out his hand and Brian accepted it.  

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