Kings Will Be Crowned..And The Word Goes Around..Part 3

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A/N - A huge thanks to my readers!  I hit 12k on this section of my Maylor series.  Thank you so such!  The first installment now stands at 37k reads.  Unbelievable!  I have loved sharing my story with you all and hope you continue to enjoy this into the upcoming third installment.  

Reminder  -  Please review the warnings provided at the beginning of this book.  This chapter may contain some triggers regarding domestic violence and homophobic slurs.  

6th December 1976

Truro Cornwall England

Brian's POV

"What are you doing son? Are you a fucking poof?" Roger's father's eyes bore down at us with rage in the dim light of the room and his tone held shock and disgust.  "Christ!  Look at you!  Laying there in his fucking arms like his bride or something!"  Roger sat up in bed and began climbing out.  He was instantly shoving at his father's body.  My heart was hammering in my chest and I felt frozen in fear.  Please don't do anything stupid Roger!  Please don't let him hurt you!  Why is his father here?  It was all happening so fast and my eyes tried to focus in the near dark to keep watch on my husband.

"Code red!"  Roger shouted and pushed his father away and ran to the wall.  He banged on it twice.  "Code red!"   I had no idea what he was doing.  What did code red mean??  His father lunged at him and Roger managed to skirt out of his grasp.  I found my courage and will and sprang from the bed.  I got behind his father and tried to get hold of his arms as he reached for my husband.  I was afraid he was going to hurt him.  I felt like I had a good grip on him but he jerked his arms up and got loose and then spun around to face me.

"Get your hands off me you fucking queer!"  his father spat at me as he spoke.  There was venom in his voice and total disgust as he glared at me and I suddenly feared for my life.

"Brian!  Watch out!"  Roger yelled.  I wasn't sure what Roger meant and before I knew it his father swung his fist at my face.  It caught me on the edge of my jaw.  The force was something I had never encountered before and felt myself lift off my feet.  My body shuddered from the impact and I stumbled backwards toward the bed.  I landed on the mattress and my feet came off the floor.

"Get off him!" Roger yelled.  I felt muddy in my head from the blow to my jaw and from falling down and tried to roll to my side to try and get my bearings.  I heard a grunt from someone and the sound of scuffling and furniture being jostled in the room.  It was so dark in the room and I could only make out the human shapes going at each other.  Why is this happening?  What is his father doing in this house?  He found us together!  He knows!  He's going to kill us!   My head jerked at the sound of someone gasping and there was a thud.  I held my breath in fear as I tried and figured out what the noises meant.  The room seemed silent after the amount of chaos I'd heard before.  I could hear and feel my heart pounding wildly in my chest and my stomach was twisted in knots.  My panting seemed audible as I listened for any clue as to what was happening.   "Piece of shit!"  I suddenly heard Roger say in a breathy but hateful tone.  Relief washed over me upon hearing his voice.  I went to speak and found my throat was dry and thick.

"Are you alright?"  I managed to squeak out.  My jaw was stiff and the pain was growing.  I reached up and cupped it with my shaking hand.  It felt tender and achy.  I could see Roger coming towards me.

"I'm fine...he passed out!  Thank god!  Shit Bri!  He hit you!  Are you okay??"  Roger's voice filled with concern the more his words came out.  He was soon kneeling in front of me and leaned over and turned the lamp on as he place a hand on my thigh.  The brightness from the lamp made me see spots for a moment but my vision was soon filled with his father laying in a heap on the floor.  He appeared to be unconscious. Roger came into my view and he looked worried as he scanned my face and touched my hand that was holding my jaw.

My Bijou!  A Maylor Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now