If You Make It To The Top..And You Want to Stay Alive - Part 1

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A/N - Please be mindful of the dates indicated in this chapter!  There will be a time jump in the story.  Please remember that I love to follow timelines but sometimes will change things for storytelling purposes.

18th July 1977


Brian's POV

"I guess we can add another top 20 hit to our accomplishments.." Roger remarked to me as we listened to the radio. It was the weekly chart countdown and 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy' was at number 17. We shared a satisfied smile between us before he resumed reading. I took a sip of my tea and set my cup down on the end table in our bedroom. I watched as Roger looked through a magazine. He was lounged in the corner of our bedroom sofa flipping through the pages with his feet in my lap. I admired how cute he looked with his glasses on. They were the pair he only wore in private. I found him to be quite studious as he pored over some news story. "Did you know they had to rescue 4000 people from the subways during that blackout in New York City?" Roger remarked to me. "Can you imagine being trapped underground with the power out in the summer heat?" While I thoroughly enjoy the heat of summer, I shuddered at the thought of this scenario.

"I guess its a good thing we can afford an air conditioned limo when we're in the city.." I commented and Roger appeared amused by my remark. He closed his magazine and dropped it on the side table. He leaned forward and then moved his feet from my lap as he proceeded to crawl over to me. I shifted a little to accommodate him as he climbed into my lap. He faced me as he straddled my thighs and got settled as I wrapped an arm around his back.

"Speaking of heat..." he said in a low voice with a seductive smile. "Want to go take a late night dip with me?"

"Yeah..." I said to him as we shared a few quick kisses. We stayed in this position for a few minutes just enjoying being close and the low volume of the radio playing in the background. It felt good to have some quiet time with him and my family. Our tour had ended several weeks ago and we had enjoyed some down time before spending a few weeks in the studio just workshopping some of our new material. Everyone was on board with a simpler approach with our new record and our creativity was in full swing. Roger had revealed to the band his solo recording effort and they were surprised but supportive. They weren't going to pay for his expenses from our band account but this was fine. Roger was having the studio time billed to our home.  He was recording the tracks for his single on his birthday.  I planned to stay away from the session partly because he wanted to do this on his own and partly because there was some press interest in his venture. Jo planned to go to the studio with him and they would be photographed together. So it was good for us all around. A planned release date was slated for August.

Roger slid out of my lap and we both went to throw on our swim trunks. We were quiet as we took our spiral stairs down to the lower floor. It was close to midnight and Clare and the kids were asleep. Alli had gone back to Truro. The back garden was lowly lit from some outdoor lighting as Roger sat our towels on a chair and we walked into the pool using the steps as we didn't want any splashing waking anyone up. The water was so relaxing as we both dove under and loosened up by doing a few strokes around the pool. I surfaced and wiped my hair from my face as I saw Roger heading for the deep end. He was treading water as he turned to watch me wearing a contented smile. The night air was cool and there was a slight breeze. I looked up and noticed how clear and vivid the nighttime sky was. My entire line of vision was filled with the beauty of the stars against a velvet backdrop. It reminded me this was one of the reasons I liked living out here and away from the city. This was certainly a view I didn't get from the roof or windows of London. I swam over to take a seat on the steps and just leaned back on my hands and kept looking up.  I soon became transfixed by the sight above me.

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