Come Let The New Child Play..Part 4

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A/N - Who is ready to have a baby??  

28th March 1977


Roger's POV

I know I said that this whole baby thing just didn't seem real to me yet.  Standing in the doorway of my sister's room and seeing her in the throes of labor brought it home to me.  Shit!  We are really doing this!  We are having a baby today!

"She's in hard labor and ready to push.."  Chrissie told us as Brian and I stood spellbound.  "Get a move on and go stand by her shoulders....the both of you!"  she ordered.  Before we could decline her offer we were being shepherded to either side of my sister.  Brian and I stood facing each other across the bed and above Clare's head.  She was supported by several pillows so she wasn't quite laying flat on her back.  Her hair was damp and flat against her forehead.  There was a sheen of sweat on her face and her cheeks were red from her endeavors over the last several hours. 

"I want you to be here....I want to you to see your baby when it's born.."  Clare told us again.  I couldn't believe my sister's conviction in including us in this moment.  Brian took Clare's hand and smiled at her and then looked up at me.

"We are here...and we will be here for you as well.."  Brian told her in such a calm confident voice.  I was surprised at how even keeled he seemed right now.  He was really keeping it together and I felt like I was going to fall apart.  My sister suddenly grabbed for my hand and squeezed it.  I took hold and used my other hand to wipe the matted hair from her forehead.   I wanted to feel useful to her right now.

"We're here Bear....for whatever you need..." I told her.  Clare's face scrunched up and she closed her eyes as she experienced a hard contraction.  I could see her body tense from the involuntary reaction.   Chrissie stood focused at my sister's feet and lifted up the sheet that covered her lower half.  

"Take some breaths Clare....I'm just checking to see where you are at...."  Chrissie had put on a white surgical gown and had her equipment neatly laid out on a small table.  Alli walked back into the room carrying several towels and washcloths.  My mother stood a few feet away and came up and stood closer to me and rubbed Clare's bent knee.  

"You're doing well dear...really well.."  my mother told her encouragingly.  There was pride in my mother's expression as she caressed Clare's leg.  I shifted my gaze back on my sister.  Her face had softened and she blew out a heavy breath.    Brian had moved his free hand to Clare's shoulder.  He was completely honed in on her right now.  I tried to do the same and moved a hand to her other shoulder.  Offering what little comfort I can.  

"Ohhhh...that one really hurt!"  Clare told us in a strained voice.  Alli came over and had a damp washcloth.  Brian took it from her and began gently wiping Clare's face.  She looked up at him and showed some relief.  

"Thanks Bri.."  she told him and let out another breath.  Chrissie finished examining her.  

"I hope you boys don't mind...but we need to move this sheet away and you'll just have to deal with it..."  she remarked.  I knew she meant we might see things we would prefer not to but right now I knew our focus was on supporting Clare.  Being here as she asked.  I wasn't going to let any discomfort about her body get in my way.   I knew Brian wouldn't either.  I kept my eyes trained on my sister's face and so did Brian.  Chrissie pulled the sheet off and laid it to the side.  Alli took up a spot opposite my mother and they both began rubbing Clare's knees. 

"I can really feel the pressure..."  Clare said out loud and gasped a little as Chrissie checked her again.

"Okay....everything looks's time to have you start pushing.."  Chrissie told her in a calm and soothing voice.   My sister nodded understanding and I could see her steeling herself to make the effort.   I tightened my grip on her hand.   "Ladies...if you could help her out..."  Chrissie remarked and I saw my mother place her hand under the bend of Clare's knee and then Alli did the same.  They both supported her legs as Clare lifted herself up a bit to push.  Brian and I shared a quick glance and he bit his bottom lip as Clare leaned forward and made a grunting sound.  Her face was so serious.  It was un-nerving and little humbling to see her strength.  She finished her push and let out a loud gasp and then expelled her breath.

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