Leaving Home Ain't Easy...

450 24 51

19th September 1976


Roger's POV

My head was splitting when I woke up.  I didn't even have the energy to groan about it.  I laid on my back on the bed and relived every moment of last night.  I had tried to drink enough to forget it but was punished with a fully intact memory combined with a gripping hangover.  Fuck!

I dragged myself from the bed and walked slowly to the toilet.  Every step hurt and I closed my eyes and sighed at the only relief I felt.  An emptying bladder.  I finished and leaned against the wall.  I really needed a lot of water and some paracetamol.  I opened the unfamiliar cabinet over the bathroom sink and found a bottle of pain medicine.  I swallowed them with a whole glass of water and then stood and purposefully drank another.  Biology class had taught me about hydration being the primary resolution of a hangover.  I never forgot it.  I looked in the mirror after closing the cabinet and wanted to groan again.  My hair looked like a rats nest and there were dark circled under my eyes.  Ugh!  My insides felt as ugly as my outsides right now.  I walked back into the foreign bedroom and found my trousers and shirt on the floor.

I made my way down the tiny flight of stairs in the flat and heard someone singing softly to the radio as I approached.  She looked up when she heard me and gave me a look of sympathy.

"Oh..poor little drummer boy!" Jo cooed to me.  "You look a right mess this morning..."  Jo was already showered and wore the Japanese kimono robe I bought her in Japan earlier in the year.

"I need coffee and sympathy..."  I whined to her.  She looked surprised at my comment.

"I thought the saying was 'tea and sympathy'.."  she told me with a smirk.  I grunted at her.

"Like tea will fix this mess..."  I grumbled at her.  She laughed as she poured me a fresh cup of black coffee and handed it to me.  She kissed me chastely on the lips as I turned to take a seat at her tiny kitchen table.  I hung my head low to reduce the pain I was feeling.  I leaned over and shut the curtains that were letting in some really bright morning sun.  

"Thanks Jo..."  I told her as she joined me at the table.  She shoved a plate with two pieces of dry toast at me.

"Eat and you're welcome.."  she replied.  I nodded understanding and grabbed a slice of the bread.  I didn't taste great but I sat and finished a piece in silence as her radio played.  My stomach felt a bit more grounded with something in it.  "Do I need to help you remember anything from last night?"  she asked me.  I shook my head and sighed.

"Nope!  I remember every word....every fucking minute of it all...."  I told her with a sense of regret.  She smiled at me with amusement.  I am glad she finds it funny.  I haven't found any humor in it yet.  Maybe she can get me there soon.  I glanced at the wall clock.  It was after one in the afternoon.

"Should I call him?"  I asked for her advice.  She looked me over and seemed serious.

"Are you still angry at him?"  she asked me with sincerity.  I am.  I can't believe that I had two very public conversations with this woman. Dominique.  Both of which took place in front of Brian and he decided I was going to sleep with her.  Apparently, he doesn't trust me at all.

"I think I am...yeah..."  I answered truthfully.  She stood up and walked to the phone.

"How about I call him and just tell him where you are....maybe you should stay here for a day or two and cool off?" she suggested.  It felt like a good idea.  If I tried to speak to him today I feared it would end with another blowup.  I nodded agreement.

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