Dear Mr. Murdoch...Part 2

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A/N -  Okay.  I have re-written this chapter several times and just have to let it go...I am not entirely happy with it and had really different ideas to start with.  Life goes on...  

4th June 1977

Surrey / London

Roger's POV

"We can't call the police.."  Brian said as he paced the floor of our bedroom and ran his hand through his hair.  No - we wouldn't call the police.  The first thing they would ask is what had been taken.  An explanation of the items in question would reveal everything we've done our best to hide all these years. 

"No we can't..."  I agreed.  "Though.. what concerns me most is who did this!"  I told him and Brian stopped and looked at me.  "I am pretty sure we can agree that this wasn't a random burglary....whoever did this already knew about us and was looking for evidence of the fact..."  I pointed out to Brian.  His face registered the realization of my words.  He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and put his face in his hands.   "Think about it!  They've got a photo of us kissing, your letters to me that clearly say we are in a relationship and our fucking marriage certificate!"  I stated as I felt my own anguish at the situation we are in.  "They basically have all the proof anyone would want that shows we're together!"  

"Do you think they mean to give it to the papers or is this some type of blackmail?"  Brian asked me.  I didn't know what to tell him.  I wasn't sure.  I got up off the floor and sat down on the bed next to Brian and took his hand. 

"I don't know Bri...I guess time will tell..."  I answered as we both looked at each other with troubled expressions.   Brian's mouth began to tremble and I immediately pulled him into a hug as I saw the weight of this moment settle inside him.  I held him tight as I heard a whimper from him and ran my hands up and down his back. 

"What if this is it Rog?"  Brian asked me in an emotion filled voice.  "What if we're exposed?"  he said with despair. I didn't want Brian getting any foolish ideas about how he chose to deal with this news.  I gently pulled back from our hug and held his chin as I looked him in the eye and searched for any hint of darkness inside him.

"No matter what happens Brian...know this!"  I said to him firmly.  "I love you and even if the worst happens and we lose won't lose me...we'll still have each other.."  I assured him.  "I know I talk about all the things we have here...the house...the cars...the money...but if we have to walk away from it....we are doing it Lily...Jimi....we'll go back to that tiny flat on Sinclair Road if we have to...but it will be okay...because we are a family....and we'll always have each other...and nothing any newspaper says about us can change that..."  

Brian smiled at my words and nodded agreement as tears ran down his face.  He grabbed at the neck of my shirt and pulled me closer.  We kissed with some desperation and then held each other close as we both tried to find our own resolve to deal with this moment.  

"I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.."  Brian finally spoke after he calmed down.  We both laid down and held each other and tried to get some sleep even though we knew that wasn't probable right now.


It was around 6 am and I just couldn't lay there any longer.  Brian and I both had tossed and turned all night and at times clung to each other for support.  I was grateful when Brian finally fell asleep for real and I left the bed and took a quick shower.  I went downstairs and felt a compulsion to know if whoever had taken those things from our home had waited until we were back home or until right before our London shows to have the scandal break in the press.  With that thought in mind I hopped in my car and drove into the village to get all the morning newspapers.  I parked in front of the  newsstand/bookstore and went inside.  I had only been in a here a few times since we moved to this area but liked the shop.  I grabbed a copy of each of the dailies and held them under my arm as I took a quick glance at the books for sale.  Since I can actually see now I've enjoyed reading a lot more.  My interests lately have leaned towards science fiction so I checked out their selection.  There were quite a few used books and magazines so I looked through them and was delighted to find a collection of short stories.  It was a copy of an older monthly publication called Astounding Science Fiction.

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