Play The Game...Everybody Play The Game - Part 4

402 26 19

31st July 1980

Montreux Switzerland

Roger's POV

"Can you play back that last bit for me?"  I asked Dave.  He nodded and reversed the tape and then played the last section of the recording.  We both listened and I heard my mistake again.

"I heard it this time..."  Dave remarked.  "You want to redo it?"  he asked.  I nodded and got up from the desk and walked into the recording booth.  I grabbed my headphones and put them on and then slipped the guitar strap over my shoulder.  I checked the settings and then waited for Dave to give me the signal.  He gestured and I began to play the rhythm lines for my track.  We went through the entire section and then Dave stopped the tape.  I leaned my arms over the top of the guitar and felt the fatigue of being in this studio for ten hours.  I then heard Dave's voice.  "Here is the replay..."  We both listened and this time it sounded right.  I gave him a thumbs up when it finished and then glanced at my watch.  

"I think we need to pack it in..."  I informed Dave.  He nodded and waved me back into the control room.  I sighed heavily and stood up as I pulled the guitar strap away from my neck.  Crystal came in balancing a cigarette on his lips as he took the guitar from me.

"I'll get this put up..."  he remarked.  

"Thanks..."  I replied gratefully and stopped to stretch a bit before walking back to the control booth.  Dave was pulling a tape from the machine.  

"I guess you won't have any more time until after the tour..."  he questioned.  

"This leg goes through the end of September...but then we have to finish work on Flash Gordon..." I answered.  "Since we will be in the studio working on this...I am hoping to find some spare time..."  I answered.

"It's a shame you couldn't stay another week right now..."  I shook my head.

"I really need to see my kid..."  I reminded him.  He nodded understanding.

"It was nice of Brian to keep her for you while you recorded..."  Dave remarked.  I had not revealed our relationship to my engineer.  I liked Dave and we worked well together and he was part of the studio we purchased.  But he was a newcomer to our organization and I wasn't confident in him knowing yet.  For now, this was fine.

"Yeah...he's a good friend..."  was all I responded with.  "We share a nanny on the road so it works out well..."   Dave smiled at me and I smiled back.  I grabbed my belongings from the table in the small room and put them in my bag.  Crystal came in as I was putting on my jacket.

"Ready Rog?"  Crystal asked.  

"Yeah...let's go..." I answered.  I turned to Dave and extended my hand to him.  "Thanks again Dave...I've really liked working with you and I will let you know when I can make it back to finish up..."  he shook my hand and looked pleased to hear my comments.  

"Oh!  You almost forgot!"  he said and turned and grabbed a cassette tape.  "You wanted a copy of this...said it was for your someone special..." he remarked and winked at me.  I was relieved he remembered.  I was so bloody tired I couldn't think straight right now.

" is for someone very special..."  I answered and took the plastic case from him. 

"Good luck with the tour and I'll hear from you soon..."  Dave said and I waved goodbye as I walked with Crystal out of the studio.   

"I'll be back in the morning to collect your equipment and then I'll catch that 10 am flight out..." Crystal advised me as we left the casino lobby and headed to the car park to get back to the hotel.  "You want anything to eat?"  he asked as we got inside the car.

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