Baby! You've Been Had..Part 2

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A/N -  this is an actual picture of Tiger Lily Meddows Taylor.  I am not sure of the age so we will all just pretend she is 8 months old..... 

Tiger Lily has been planned for this story since the moment Brian and Roger went on tour in Nov 1973 and Roger met Kim.  In the timeline, she was born the same week Brian had abdominal surgery to save his life in August 1974.

Please be kind in your comments regarding my writing about child care.  I don't have children but did help raise quite a few nieces and nephews.  I am also trying to incorporate the fact that child rearing a new thing for our boys and it is the 70's!  Thanks for your understanding...

May 1975

Brian's POV

"Are you going to call your mother and tell her about Tiger Lily?" I asked Roger as we drove to the doctor's office. I was trying to feed her the bottle Kim's mom had made for me before we left Jim's office.  She stuck it in the baby bag with more formula, a load of nappies and some clothes.  The car ride made feeding her a bit awkward.  I tried to keep the nipple in her mouth but the bumps in the rode made me lose my place.  Luckily, Tigs was amiable about it and stayed focused on her meal.  I couldn't take my eyes off of hers as she looked at me while she worked on her bottle.  Her eyes are just like Roger's.  So blue; so big; so expressive.  I could get lost in them just like I do in his.  I was still in utter disbelief that I was holding a piece of him in my arms.  A beautiful and warm piece of him.     

"Yes!" he answered me sharply and then sighed. "I'll call her when we get home. Let's find out how Tigs is first.." he replied. I know he was kind of freaked out about this entire situation. It's one of the reasons I called the doctor to see if they could see her on an emergency basis. Since we learned that Kim died of a drug overdose and we know she was using when she was with Roger, it seemed prudent to have her examined. Kim's mother has told us her daughter had stopped using when she discovered she was pregnant. To her knowledge Kim had returned to doing drugs a few months after Tigs was born. She wasn't breast feeding so it seemed hopeful there were no ill effects on the baby's health. I had phoned the doctor's office while at the car dealership and was referred to a pediatrician in their practice. They squeezed us in due to the circumstances. Roger left his car at the dealers and we took off for the appointment.

We arrived at the office and I stopped to burp Tigs before we went inside.  I was proud of myself for remembering the feeding steps from the Dr. Spock book I had been reading.  I was really glad I had picked that book up.  We were greeted by my favorite nurse, Chrissie. She was excited when I told her about Tigs on the phone and shared my concerns about getting her examined. She told me she would explain the circumstances to the pediatrician so they wouldn't ask Roger too many embarrassing questions today. He's stressed enough right now. We both are. I had carried Tigs the entire trip as Roger still seemed reluctant to hold her a lot. The past 24 hours have been too much for him and I know he needs his mother right now. Whether he wants to admit it or not. That's why I keep encouraging him to call and tell her what is going on.

I still can't believe everything that's happened. When I walked into Jim's office with Rog I thought we were sorting out money for the baby and who in Kim's family would have custody. It was shocking to find them asking Roger to take her. What was more unbelievable was the option to give her up to the welfare system. I instantly knew we would take her. It was the right thing to do. Once I laid eyes on her I was smitten.  She looks so much like him; its eerie.  I wondered if Deacy's child will look just like him?  I have to admit I was disappointed and a little angry at Roger for even considering waiving his rights and letting her go. I was grateful he asked my opinion and what I would do under the same circumstances. He knows I've been keen on having a child someday. Now I'll fully agree with him that I didn't want one right now. Today! I meant in the future; when we have a bigger home and financial stability. When Roger is older and more open to the idea. More settled. That would be ideal. But I wasn't going to let Roger give his child away because she's a victim of poor timing. We can make this work. I just hope he can cope with it all.

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