If You Make It to The Top And You Want To Stay Alive - Part 4

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A/N - Enjoy some more of my crappy photoshop in the chapter below! 

10th September 1979

London / Surrey

Brian's POV

"I think its a sound investment..."  Jim Beach explained as we all sat and discussed the idea of purchasing the studio we had used in Montreux Switzerland when recording our Jazz album.  We had spent the past few years looking at studios in Britain and could never agree on one to buy.  We had all liked this place and I preferred this setting over any other European location if we couldn't buy in England.  Roger sat across from me at the table nursing a cigarette.

"So are we all in agreement then?"  Jim asked us all.  It seemed unanimous.  

"Yes..."  I said and the others followed.  Jim wore a broad smile as he shuffled some papers.  

"Alright...I'll contact their attorneys to let them know..." he replied.  We all shared a satisfied look at this being settled.  "We should be able to arrange the money transfer by next month..."  

"The final piece of business is letting you know I confirmed the release date for your next single.  It will go out on the 5th both here and in the states..."  Jim said.  Freddie was beaming at the news.  

"Maybe this one will fair better in the charts..."  Roger commented as he stubbed out his cigarette.  Deacy grinned confidently at Roger.

"I have a good feeling about this one..."  Deacy replied.  Jim stood up from his chair and smiled at us all.    

"I'm sure it will do well..."  he  agreed.  "That's it for today...have a good afternoon..." he said and we all stood up and walked out together.  

"Are you going to pick it up today?"  Deacy asked Roger.  My husband smiled widely at our bassist and friend.

"I am...I have an appointment in a half hour..."  Roger informed him.  Deacy grinned at him and came up and put his arm around Roger. 

"You'll let me drive it...right?"  Deacy asked him.  Roger scoffed at him but was just kidding.

"Not bloody likely..."  he told him with a half grin of his own.  I waved to Deacy as we headed for the office door. 

"He'll come round so you can have a spin..."  I assured him.  Deacy waved goodbye as we headed out to the parking lot.  I got in the driver's side of my car and Roger hopped in the passenger seat.  We had bought me my own luxury car after we finished The News of The World .  Roger insisted I splurge and get a new car and let Clare drive my family car.  He had bought the Rover after Day At The Races.   I fulfilled the only real automotive ambition I ever had and got myself a Jaguar.  I have to admit I love the car and felt more like a bona fide rock star when I drove it.  My Dad couldn't believe I owned one but for once didn't criticize my purchase and smiled the entire time he took it for a drive.  So I drove with my own baby with pride to the Ferrari dealership.  Roger had begged me to get an Italian sportscar.  I had fought out of concern for his safety and also the cost.  But once we separated our business from John Reid and became directors of Queen productions we made more money than we could imagine and denying him only came down to safety concerns.  But he turned 30 and seemed more mature about things so I acquiesced and he ordered the car on his birthday.  Now it was ready for pickup.  Before I knew it we were pulling into the car lot and Roger was excited as a child getting a puppy.

"Promise me you will not be reckless with this car..." I asked him as I stopped my car to let him out.  He reached over and patted my leg. 

"I'm 30 now Bri...it's about the prestige...not just the speed these days..."  he replied and opened the car door and saluted me wearing a broad grin.  I was happy for him and smiled back as he walked to the office to collect the keys to his new red machine.  I returned to the streets of London and was soon heading towards home.  Clare had asked to talk to me when I got back so I was curious what she needed as I parked in the drive and went inside.  I found her feeding Jimi  a snack as I came inside.  They greeted me with cheerful smiles and I took Jimi and put him down for his nap so Clare and I could speak.  She poured me a cup of tea as I sat down at the kitchen table.

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