Kings Will Be Crowned..And The Word Goes Around..Part 2

490 26 25

5th December 1976

Truro Cornwall England

Winnie's POV

I am always up before my children.  No matter their age my job is to be up and presentable and preparing a lovely breakfast.  They don't live here anymore and have made a life completely different from my own.  I miss them terribly at times but I do understand.  Roger has been given opportunities because of his immense talent and I have to share him with the world now.  And what a gift he is. So much energy and passion.  Such lust for life and boundless love.  I smiled with pride as I recalled his television appearance yesterday.  He was so charming and well spoken as he discussed their new record.  I didn't make a big fuss over it to him but I made sure all my girlfriends knew about it so they could see my handsome son on the telly.  My friend Roberta called right after the show ended to ask again if he was single.  It still feels odd to lie about his romantic situation but I don't mind.  My son is happy and has a good life.  Brian is a wonderful person and such a warm and caring soul.  He helped Roger through such a difficult shock with Tiger Lily's appearance in his life.  I am so grateful Roger has him.  They are quite a unique pair.

I knew instinctively when Tiger Lily would be awake and got her cleaned up, fed and dressed quietly.  I found her toy bag and arranged them for her in the living room with the television on a children's program.  She is the sweetest child and I hoped the new baby would be just as easy to manage.  Clare does such a good job with her and Tigs is loved but not spoiled.  I poured the boiling water in the cups and stirred them carefully as they steeped.  The fragrance of the breakfast tea filled my nostrils and it was incredibly soothing.  I grabbed my tray and placed the three cups on it before I smoothed out my apron and carried the tray from the kitchen.  I was careful on the stairs as I made my way to Clare's room.  I balanced the tray against me as I knuckled her closed door.

"Morning Mum..." I heard Clare answer my inquiry.  I smiled as I managed the door and walked in with a cheerful greeting for my beautiful daughter.  She was sitting up in bed and reached over to take a cup from my tray.  "This is lovely...thanks.."  she remarked as she tentatively sipped her hot drink.     "Where's our Tiger?"  Clare asked me.  

"She's playing in the living room and watching a show..."  I explained.  Clare went to get up but I stopped her.    "She's fine dear...I'll just be a minute with the boys and get right back to her..."  I remarked.  She pulled the blanket back over her lap and held her stomach as she grinned at me.  

"Thanks...a lie in would be nice..."  I smiled at her and headed out of her room.  I got her door closed and walked straight to Roger's room.  I tapped gently and waited.  

"Morning Mum..."  he called out.  I got his door open and walked in to sleepy smiles from my boys.  Roger was facing the door and pushing his hair out of his face.  Brian had his chin resting on Roger's head and had a contented look.

"Morning Winnie...thanks for the tea.."  Brian said as I placed the tray on the nightstand and walked over to them.  I leaned over and kissed my son's head and then Brian met me halfway for a quick peck.

"Thanks Mum..."  Roger said as he yawned. They looked adorable cuddled together and it warmed my heart to see them still so happy after all these years.

"Breakfast in an hour?"  I suggested to them.  Roger nodded to me as he pulled the blanket off him to get up for their tea.   "I laid out some fresh towels and soap out for you..."   I left the room and headed down to mind our precious girl and prepare a lovely meal for my children.


"I've brought you a copy of our new album..." Roger informed me as he walked into the kitchen holding a paper sack.  He slipped the album out to show me as I placed his bacon, potatoes and eggs on a plate.  It looked just like the album they had shown on his television program yesterday.  

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