Love of My Life..Part 1

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June 25 1975

En Route to  Ridge Farm

Brian's POV

"I really need a piano.." I told Roger as we drove down the A24 south to the farm and studio in the countryside in Surrey.  We had rented the place for several weeks to do some song writing and rehearsing away from the business and personal distractions in London.  We were meeting the others there.

"Well... there will be one at the farm...."  Roger commented as he watched the road.  I shook my head at him and he glanced my way.

"No..I mean at home..."  I clarified to him.  "Sometimes I would prefer to work out my songs on a piano instead of guitar.."  I explained.  He nodded understanding as he eyed the road.

" I use a guitar for mine since the drums aren't always the best place to start.."  he observed.   This was true.  Roger often used a guitar for composing.  He had even wrangled his own acoustic model during an equipment purchase for the group.  Our flat was getting crowded with music oriented items as much as baby things these days.

"When we get a bigger place...we need to make room for one.."  I told him.  He smiled at me and reached over and took my hand. 

"Love you Brimi.."  he told me and leaned over to quickly kiss my hand as he managed the steering wheel with the other.

"Love you too Roggie.."  I replied as he let my hand slip away.  He turned to smile at me and then resumed watching his driving.

Roger had been in great spirits all day.  We had left Tigs with his mother and taken off in his green baby to drive to Ridge Farm in Surrey.  He has been openly affectionate with me since we left.  We have barely had a break from Tigs since she landed in our lives in early May.  I'm not complaining as I love her completely.  I know Roger does as well.  We just didn't get any time to adjust to the idea of having a baby and living with her 24 hours a day.  It went from living like two overgrown teenagers to being serious parent oriented adults in a day.  There hasn't been much of a social life outside the confines of visitors to the flat to see her.  There hasn't been any time for us as a couple.

Roger sped along the motorway as we neared the area where we would exit.  He seemed a little restless as we found the turnoff and headed down a country road towards the nearby village were the farm was located.  I wondered if he needed a cigarette.  He had not had one since we left the city.

"Need a smoke Rog?"  I asked him.  He smiled warmly at me and shook his head. 

"No...I'm good.."  he answered.  I was surprised to see him turn one down.  I shrugged it off and watched the countryside.  We arrived at the village and Roger soon pulled into the large drive for Ridge Farm located a few miles away.  The place was amazing.  The main house was enormous.  Roger parked the car and we got out and looked around.

  Roger parked the car and we got out and looked around

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