part 1 [rewrite]

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( hey fuckers i'm rewriting cause this shi horrible fr )

i open my eyes as the sun brightly shines into the room. ugh..
i check the time.
6:45 damn it
i gotta get up.

"morning darling" my mum says as i sit down at the kitchen table.
'morning' i groan, still tired.
i go on my phone and decide to watch some tiktoks. i see charli on my for you page.
god, if only i could live a life like her.

a bit later

I'm standing in front of my closet, trying to pick out an outfit.
I decide to go with a pair of ripped jeans with a black top and a white hoodie since it's cold out in the morning.

i brush my teeth, wash my face and throw my hair up in a bun.
I put on some lipbalm and a little mascara before checking the time again
shit i gotta run
i rush downstairs grabbing my waterbottle, throwing it in my bag.
i kiss my mom on the cheek
'Bye momma love u!' I yell closing the door behind me

I walk as fast as i can when i suddenly hear a car pull up behind me
'You weren't actually planning to WALK to school were you?'
I smile when i realize who it is. Meet cate, my actual bestfriend.
I guess you could see her as the badass of the group.
'CUPCATE it's been too long' i say while dramatically putting my hand over my heart.
she rolls her eyes
'Girl it's only been three days and you didn't answer my question'
We stare at each other and start laughing
I jump into her car as she restarts the engine
'Ready for school sis?'
I glare at her
'Is that a serious question?'
She chuckles as we drive off to school

time skip

as Cate is trying to find a decent parking spot, i look around searching for Emma.
My other bestie.
She's the most genuine sweetheart ever, also a little clueless but that's why we love her.
We finally find a parking spot and head to the building.
'What class u got rn?' Cate asks. 'ugh french' i groan 'what about u?'
'science, text me when u find Ems' she says while walking to the other side of the hall.
'will do!'

I walk into the classroom and sit in the back so i don't have to pay attention.
I look around but don't see Emma.
'Okay kids settle down, settle down' miss Baguette says ( ik so original )
I get a text from Cate;
Emma's here :)
i smile and look at my book

this is gonna be a long day.

A/N HIIII everyone!! im so excited to be making this story! sorry that this chapters kinda short, next ones will be longer! since my school closed coz of corona i will try to be writing a lot! lemme know watcha think, i love feedback. love u all!

A/N [rewrite] hello my beloved, so it's even worse than i thought 💀
No ok I'm kidding but holy shit it's been two years
I'm curious if y'all will read this if you do leave a comment 😝

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