part 29

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"lu.. mads is pregnant. with jadens baby"

i just stand there in disbelief. what?  how? thats when it hits me. the girl in the bathroom stalls on the phone call... it was kenzie! she was calling mads. and thats why jaden has been acting so weird lately. did he cheat? was he ever going to tell me? was he going to leave me for mads? too many thoughts cross my brain.

here we go again. a new panic attack. the last thing i see before everything turns black is josh catching me

jadens pov

josh was right. i had to tell her. but how? i couldnt just pop up and be like

yo louise! my ex is pregnant with my baby! pretty crazy huh

i put on my jacket and grab an umbrella. i'll figure it out on the way

when i get to her house, i see light shining in her room. i just hope josh isnt here yet. to my surprise, the front door is unlocked. i walk in take off my jacket and go upstairs when i hear a loud noise. as if someone fell. i run to her room and ..

she lays there on joshs lap, pale asf.

"JADEN! pls help me! idk what to do! she started panicking and she fainted."
josh says running his fingers through his hair nervously.

i start freaking out too.

"fuck uh! i'll call her mom!"

i type in the number with shaking hands.

"mrs Smith?" i say, with a trambling voice

"jaden my dear, how are you"

"ma'am i- i dont know what to do! louise fainted and shes pale and i dont know how to help"

"hey! its okay buddy calm down. where is louise?"

"shes on the ground ma'am"

"just call me julie! okay get her some water and a towel!"

"i have water and a towel julie"

"okay now dip the towel in the water and lay it on her forehead" she says calm


"take a chair or something, just make sure her feet are in the air"

"chair.. feet.. Done!"

"good job! just blow some wind on her face and sing a song, any song to calm her down."

"o-ok i will thanks ma'am or uh i mean julie."

"no problem sweetie. shes gonna be fine"

i hang up and sit next to louise and josh. we followed all the instructions

"so" josh says making un-understandable hand gestures


"sing a song stupid" he says facepalming

"wh- why me fuck i dont know any songs" i say freaking out

"dude you literally MAKE music!"

"do u fucking think my rockstar music is gonna calm her down?" i shout


"okay okay dont yell at me" i say

i remember our first date. she was mumbling a song and when i asked her to continue, she got all shy. it was adorable. she told me the song reminded her of her dad and her childhoodw i remember a few words from the song

" still no matter where i go.. at the end of every road. you were good to me."
i sing softly. she slowly opens her eyes and i smile at her.

"thank fucking god" josh says hugging her. i join the hug. she pulls away

" what the actual fuck jaden? you're getting a baby and you didnt tell me?"

i look at josh

"so i assume you already told her" i say

he nods

"were you ever even gonna tell me?" she asks furious

"babe calm down you just fainted"


i love it when shes mad. its so hot. okay i shouldnt be so distracted

"were you ever even gonna tell me?" she says, now crying

damn is this girl on her period or some shit?

"ofcourse i was! i just had to find the right words"

" dont bullshit jaden" she says

"im not! i swear! im so fucking sorry louise i never wanted this to happen."

"ight imma just leave you two.." josh says walking out

" i dont want this. i just wanna be with you. but i cant leave mads like that. shes a pregnant teen."

"i understand, you're a good guy." she smiles

im so happy to see her smile

"louise, babygirl. will you officially be my girlfriend?"

she nods and smiles.

"i would love that"

we hug tight. i cant even describe how happy i am with this girl. how did i get so lucky?

A/N: i wouldve updated sooner but my phone was being a bitch. ily all i hope ur doing great <3

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