part 45

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louises pov

saturday morning, 9:26 am

im lying in bed, feeling sick asf. i thought that after throwing up last night, i would feel better, but uh no. i still felt like a dying rat.

i walk up to my mirror and see that i also LOOK like a dying rat. well more like a dead rat, but whatever. i check my phone and see a notification

jasonn : hey lu! wanna grab a coffee?

i would love to! where do we meet up?

jasonn : i'll just pick u up

k! give me ten minutes

i throw my phone on my bed and grab the clothes i wanna wear from my clothing rack.

a cute top, with a yellow skirt and some leather boots. i splash water on my face and brush my hair. i make two french braids and grab my purse. i throw in some lipgloss, money and my phone.

i go to the living room and just when im there, someone knocks on the door.

"thats for me!" i yell and walk all smiley to te door

"heyy" he says

"hiii" i say



we walk to starbucks and get our coffee. instead of sitting down, we go on a small hike.

"Jason Waud and Louise Smith Spotted Together!" we hear someone yell

i turn around and see paparazzi 'sneaky' filming us. i smirk wide and grab jasons hand

"whats up?" he asks confused

"just trust me" i say, with an even bigger smirk

i grab his face and press my lips against his. he first doubts but then grabs my waist and kisses me back. we hear clicking of cameras. muhahahah. take that hossler

jadens pov

i wake up to a bunch of people tagging me in a tweet. i open twitter and see a pic of jason and.. LOUISE?

then i see tiktokroom reposting my tweets and their response to it. ofcourse she took revenge. that shit looks baddd. but guess what Smith? the game is on.

louises pov

after having the most funny and amazing time with jason, i felt sick again and he brought me back home.

"thanks for today. i had a really good time" i say

"me too" he says smiling

"oh and sorry for kissing you" i say

"dont be sorry" he blushes

i smile and walk into the house. my smile quickly dissapears when i see my mom sitting at the table as if someone died.

"uh ma? u good?" i ask, putting down my purse

"sit down lu" she says

with a big wtf face, i take a seat at the table.

"wassu-" she cuts me off

"we have to talk." she says. her voice all shaky

"yeaaah?" i say slowly

"as you know, your birthday is next week." she says

i nod

"well. you will be turning 18" she says

i nod once again, still not understanding wtf she was trying to say

"louise. shit has been weird between us lately. ur never home and when ur home, we always fight. i think its best if-" she says, with tears in her eyes

"mom?" i say scared of what was coming

"i think its best if.. you move out." she says, not looking at me

"w-what?" i say

"i already found you an apartment, its really great for you and you could settle down. i will pay the rent for the first month but then its on you." she says, sighing

i look at her, trying to fight the tears in my eyes.

"why? how? mom wtf? im fucking 17 like what the hell am i gonna do all alone? why do you wanna get rid of me? " i say. a tear rolls down my cheek

"louise. im not trying to get rid of you. but ur never home and i think me and Frank are ready to take things further." she says, looking me straight in the eye


"language!" she says

"whatever. I FUCKING HATE YOU " i say

i run up to my room and start packing everything

"louise rose smith! get your hands of that bag" she says

"no. you want me to leave? i'll leave. i dont fucking need you. you know what? " i say fake smiling " its funny how mothers are supposed to be worried. or overprotective. they only want whats best for you because they care!" i say
"but you? haha! you never even cared. you only cared about yourself and your own fucking good." i throw in all my clothes

"you are bullshitting. get your hands off that bag young lady" she says

"NO! give me the fuckin adress and i'll leave. okay? " she walks out and i finally got in all my clothes. i grab more bags and throw in all the stuff i needed for the apartment. i couldnt stay here any longer.

"MOM!" i yell, storming to the living room where she was sitting like nothing was wrong.

"you're not going anywhere." she says calm, making me even more mad

"i thought u wanted me to leave?" i say

"next week. after your birthday" she says

"nah i dont wanna stay here and see you everyday" i say grabbing my bags and walking out

"where are you even going" she yells

"no FUCKING idea" i say, holding up my middle finger

i grab my phone and dial in a number of a person that i havent talked to in a while.

louise! its been so long? why you calling? is everything okay? we need to catch up!

hey uh can i come to your place? i need someone to talk to rn

ofcourse! you know ur always welcome

i close my phone and walk to the big house in front of me. i sigh and knock on the door.

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