part 59

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louises pov

"louise? mrs smith? hello?" i look up and see a nurse in front of me

"sorry i was.. in thoughts. is he okay?" i say

"do you have any idea what kind of pills it were?"

"no.. im sorry i didnt think of that"

"dont worry sweetheart, we emptied his stomach and found heroin. a lot of heroine."

i look at my fingers

"were currently doing our very best ma'am. thats the only thing we can do" she says

i nod

"i understand. when can i see him?" i bite my fingernails

"i dont know. not yet at least. you should go home and get some sleep. come back tomorrow" she smiles

"no. its okay. i'll wait. i dont care how long i have to wait"

she pats my shoulder and walks away. i sit back down. i should probably call someone. but its not like they could help. then it hits me. oh my god. jaden might die. jaden might fucking die and it would be my fault...


"awh she fell asleep. the poor thing. she must be exhausted" someone says

"should we wake her up?" someone else says

"yes. she told me to" the first voice says again

"louise?" someone touches my shoulder

i slightly open my eyes and see the nurse in front of me.

"hi" i say rubbing my eyes

"hey. you can go in now" she says

i nod and stand up. we walk into the room and there he lays in bed. lifeless and still so so pale.

the nurse pats my shoulder

"stay strong, for him" she says

i smile softly and walk to the chair next to jaden. i sit down and take his hand.

"hi baby" my voice cracks and i try to fight my tears

"i waited for you. i'll always wait. no matter how long i have to stay in this damn hospital." i chuckle "please wake up jaden. i need you. i really do. truth is, i love you. i always have and i always will. no matter how many times you break my heart.. o-or smack me in the face" i smile to myself "just please wake up. if you dont wanna do it for me, do it for our babies." i kiss his hand and rest my head on the bed.

"louise oh my god!" stephanie runs in and pulls me into a hug

i start sobbing in her chest as she rubs my back

"baby im so sorry we couldnt find you and-"

"i-its okay. s-sorry for not calling"
i say

"dont apologize!" she lifts my head up

"hes gonna be okay. hes a strong boy." she says

i nod and smile. the smile dissapears when i see someone standing outside the room.

"what the fuck is she doing here" i yell in anger

"louise calm down. its normal shes here" stephanie says

"i dont fucking want her here! who the fuck told her i was here!" i yell

"i had to" stephanie looks down

"louise i was so worried! are you out of your mind" my mom yells

"hell no. HELL FUCKING NO! you have absolutely no right to even yell at me. you're a bitch you know that!" i yell

"louise wha-" she points at my belly

"yes im pregnant. with twins. the father might die! cool huh! bet you didnt see that one coming" i yell in anger

"lu dont.. im so sorry i-" i cut her off

"shut up. just shut up okay? i dont wanna see you. especially not right now. so if you really care, leave."

she looks down and leaves. i sigh.

"im sorry i had to call her i didnt know if you were okay-..." stephanie says

"its fine.  i dont wanna talk about it anymore. can i just be alone? can we be alone? please?" i ask

she nods and i sit back down taking a deep breath. i look at the love of my life, still laying on the bed, not moving.

i place a kiss on his forehead and start mumbling a song

i needed you to stay.

but i let you drift away..

my love where are you
my love where are you

whenever you're ready

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