part 81

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louises pov

"i- uh" i start, but jason stops me

"its okay, you dont have to say it back" he says

i hated the fact that i couldnt give him all my love. because i already gave that to someone else. i gave it to jaden. and he threw it away.

the movie starts playing as we both drift off to sleep.

the next morning

"need anything from the store?" jason asks

"no thank you!" i say brushing roses hair

"alright see you babe" he says while closing the door behind him.

"byeeee" i say

"alright kiddos who wants a cookie"

"meee!" addison yells

"addi?" i say turning around

"heya!" she says putting down her bags

"what ru doing here?"

"i was thinking we could go to the park?"

"ohhh sounds great! let me grab my stuff" i say

two hours earlier

*~ mission jouise ~*

addi : okay so whats the plan guys

josh 🥨 : fuck idk

avani🤡: we need to get them to the same place, but idk where

bryce 🤘: how ab the park? addi u tell louise to go with the kids and then we'll bring jaden for another reason

dixie 💅: ru guys sure this is a good idea

chase 😎: ofc, we always have good ideas

griffin 🤪: alr lets do this

back to the present

jadens pov

"YO JADEN! wanna go to the park, its nice outside" josh says

"dude, you gotta stop barging into my house" i say taking a bite of my pancake

"yeah yeah whatever, you down?" he says stealing a pancake

"hey those are mine" i say slapping his hand away

"and uh who's gonna be there?" i ask

"me? duh." he says

"just you?"

"yeahh aint that enough? AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU JADEN" he says in a dramatic tone

"shut up garlic knot. let me eat my pancakes in peace and then i'll join you"

louises pov

as soon as we walk into the park, the kids run to the swings.

"why dont you sit down, i'll go play with them" addison says

i do as she says and grab my phone.

jadens pov

"just sit down right over hereee" josh says, pushing me onto a bench

"alright uh gotta go!" he says running away

"josh? dude what the fuck?" i yell standing up

i shake my head and sit back down. what a loser. i turn to my left

"ofcourse" i whisper to myself

she turns around

"j-jaden hey? uh what are you doing here?" she asks

i point to dumbass josh sitting next to addison, behind a bush, thinking theyre invisible.

"they so set us up for this" she says

"they look ridiculous in that bush" i say

we both start laughing then lock eyes. theres an akward silence.

louises pov

"i miss you, you know. a lot. i love you so much. and i wanna tell you but i cant because im supposed to be so fucking mad at you because you broke my damn heart. but i cant hate you. because i love you. i always will. i hate the fact that no matter what i'll always love you! " i say

but ofcourse, i didnt say that out loud.

"hows uh" i cough "hows stephanie"

he looks at me and raises an eyebrow. we both start laughing again. god his smile. i wanna kiss him.

jadens pov

my god shes beautiful. i wanna kiss her.

"i'm gonna go to jason. i'll see you around. o-or not" she says

i wave her goodbye and look back at my thumbs.

i miss her so much.

louises pov

"busted!" i say

"louise heeey you here? whaaaat?" josh says

"you are so gonna regret this" i say pulling addison out of the bush

"me? what whyyy i didnt do anything" she says

i give her a death glare

"okayyy maybe i did have something to do with it... OH CMON! it was only to help!" she pouts

"dont need help" i say

addison rolls her eyes and picks elio up

"yeah sure you dont"

jadens pov

"h-how did it go" josh says

i shake my head and run my fingers through my hair

"im sorry man." he says patting my shoulder

"its okay. she'll come back if its meant to be right?"

A/N: i'm gonna be posting a lot ( just like yesterday) so uh tUrn oN poSt nOtiFicAtioNs if ur interested

q: opinions on this story? i can take criticism :)

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