part 28

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jadens pov

i open my eyes to see mads peacefully sleeping. shit. i thought she left last night? i wake her up gently

"mads. u have a doctors appointment! " she opens her eyes

"fuck i forgot" she gets up and puts on her shoes.

"do you want me to come with you?"

"no jaden i prefer not. she would assume were together and that would make things akward" she says grabbing her keys.

"alright. good luck!" she smiles and walks out. i put on a shirt and drive to the swayhouse. the boys are all just chilling and making tiktoks.

i go to the kitchen and grab a redbull.

"yo jay! sup man" josh dabs me up.

"aye josh! im good!" he looks at me.

"what?" i ask

"uh u dont look good mate"

"fuck.." i scratch my hair. " dude.. can we talk?"

"yeah ofcourse!" we walk to the pool.

"so wassup" he says sitting down

"idk how to say it... about 2 weeks ago mads showed up right?" josh nods " well.. sh- she" i sigh

"aye dude its okay u can tell me" josh says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"shes pregnant bro, its mine" i say looking at the water.

"oh fuck" i feel his hand slide off. " im sorry"

"its just so messed up" i say spashing the water with my foot.

"how did louise take the news?" i look at him and clench my jaw.

"duuuude! you didnt tell her?"
i sigh and put my face in my hands.

"you gotta tell her. like right now" he says

"i cant! okay i fucking cant"

"if you dont tell her i will" he says standing up

"josh please.." i say

"if you havent told her by tonight, i will." he walks away

im so dead

louises pov

the girls were still asleep so i got up as quiet as possible. i take a shower and put one of jadens hoodies on with some shorts. i go downstairs and make scrambled eggs with orange juice

"yooo this smells so good" cate says rubbing her eyes

"morning sleepyhead" i put the eggs on three plates.

"yass i love your cooking!" emma says jumping to the table

i laugh and sit down. we all eat in silence while slowly waking up.

"so when are you gonna talk to him?" emma says while sipping her orange juice

"wdym talk to him?" i say taking another bite

" uh to ask why hes been acting so fucking weird lately, maybe?" cate says.

"idk i'll think about it. when is your flight?" i say changing the subject

"7pm tonight gorl!" emma says pouting

"we have to take pics!" cate yells

"agreed! i know the perfect location bitches!" i smile

we get ready and pack a few outfits for the photoshoot

time skippie to 2pm

we go inside chick- fil- a and order food. we took A BUNCH of pics today and no doubt we were gonna post them. when we get the food we go to the park and take more pics.

"im posting this one!" emma says, pointing at her phone

"and im posting this one" cate says.

i go through the photos and pick out the best one

i go through the photos and pick out the best one

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845,621 likes, liked by joshrichards..
louisesmith : forever

emmaroden: forever and always
- louisesmith : <3

catebrooks: besties forevah

joshrichards : who's the photographer
- louisesmith : timer pics love, timer pics

user938: i want a friendship like this

user90: #friendshipgoals

"WERE SO BEAUTIFUL!" emma yells, jumping up and down

cate and i laugh and eat our waffle potato fries. we make some tiktoks and before we know, its time for emma and cate to leave.

we drive home and they pack their stuff. my mom gets home and drives us to the airport. we hug each other tight.

"promise to keep contact okay?" i say

"always. we love you louise" i wipe away my tears and hug them again

"i love yall too"

i watch them get into the airplane. my mom puts her arm around me and we walk to the car.

its 8pm right now. i get a call

im at yo house


open the door pls its raining

i run to the door and open it. josh walks in, wet af. ( from the rain u little pervs )
he takes off his shoes and i guid him upstairs.

"take a shower, i'll dry your clothes." i say handing him a towel and some clothes from jaden

"thanks lu" he then hugs me, causing me to be wet too ( from the rain again )

"u dickhead!" he smirks and gets in the bathroom. i change into comfi clothes and dry joshs clothes. after a while he finally comes out of the bathroom.

he lays down next to me

"so why ru here?" i ask

he sits up and looks at me.

"so he didnt tell you yet?" he asks

"uhm.. who didnt tell me what?" i ask confused

"fuck okay well. lu idk how to say it." he scratches his head

"just tell me!" i say curious af

"lu.. mads is pregnant. with jadens baby"

A/N : im such a meanie for this cliffhanger tihi if u want me to update tonight then comment 🥨 and i maybe will

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