part 35

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jadens pov

im packing my bags with anthony besides me.

"im so excited dude" he says smiling like an idiot

"me too bro, tour is gonna be lit" i say throwing in some boxers

" what does louise think about you hugging all those girls though?" he says, putting his phone down

"i actually dont know. we didnt talk about that yet." i say trying to close my bag

"uh you should! it took me a while to convince avani that i WASNT gonna fall in love with a fan. she still doesnt believe me" he says. i laugh at him and pat his shoulder

"i'll talk to her soon. shes coming over with the girls." i say finally zipping up my bag

"okay! im gonna get a snack toodles" he says jumping off the bed

i put my bags on the ground and fall on my bed. i take a deep breath. then i hear screaming from downstairs

"AAAAH IVE MISSED MY BABY!" i hear dixie yelling

i go to the living room to see the girls hugging their boyfriends. except ofcourse addison and bryce. they both just akwardly stare at each other. i look at addison and nod

"IIEIEIEIEI" she yells jumping into bryces arms. i smile and look at louise. she gives me the ' 😏 ' look

i run up to her and spin her around. she kisses me and smiles. then i see ant. his looks go like : ' 🙂' and i understand exactly what he means.

"uh babe we gotta talk about something" i say

"oh sure" she says. we both go to the kitchen.

"so wassup" she says jumping onto the counter

"so we gotta talk about the fans on tour" i say grabbing soda from the fridge.

"what about them" she says

"well you know im gonna hug them and stuff" i say taking a sip

"ofcourse. thats normal jaden. as long as you dont kiss one, were good" she says

"what counts as kissing" i say smirking

she playfully punches me and shakes her head. i chuckle and hug her from behind.

louises pov

we go back to the others and charli comes up to me.

"lu we have a meeting with the manager in 20 minutes. you wanna join?" she says

"sure" i say. she grabs my hand and takes me to the car. we all get in two cars and drive to this office thingy.

i was only halfly ( is that even a word )  listening to the man speaking because i honestly didnt really care.

"so hugging is allowed, kisses on the cheek also NOT ON THE MOUTH and if you feel uncomfortable please tell the guards they will escort them nicely" he says

i bite my nail and look up at avani. shes writing everything down. oh btw were friends now. its not even akward. shes super sweet.

"and then last but not least ; you will have 5 guards at each and every panel so no worries. be nice & smile and remember to have fun. got it?" he says

"got it" we all say in harmony

we get back into the car and drive to the sway house. were all hella tired so we take some matresses and throw them on the floor. we watch a movie and after the movie we  sleep on the matresses. im so excited for tomorrow! tour is gonna be life changing

you bet it is...

A/N : yes ladies and gentlemen, im still alive. i hope yall are too.

q : if u see this comment your best pick-up line

i'll start: hey did u fall out a vending machine? coz u a snackkk

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