part 83

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A/N :  i recommend playing the song after the chapter to let it all sink in. love y'all ❤️

jadens pov

"good luck man" griffin says

"you got this!" anthony says

"yeah it'll be okay" noen says

"and if it doesnt, im sure bryce knows a lot of girls" chase adds

"thats right" bryce says proud

i chuckle and go outside. we're all at sway. i told them to fuck off but they wanted to be part of the 'jouise reunion'. it's probably not even gonna happen.


it's been 10 minutes. 9:20 pm. the sky is gray. it makes me even sadder.


20 minutes now. 9:30 pm. its starting to rain. where is she?


30 minutes. 9:40 pm. im soaked and cold. i dont think shes coming.

louises pov

i'm standing about a street away from sway. doubting if i should go.

i know that after this conversation we'll either never see each other again, or we're back at square one. i dont think im ready for either of that.

"louise..." a voice says

i turn around

"oh heck to the fuck no!" i yell

"please just listen" she says

"why would i listen to you" i say crossing my arms

"please! i'm not asking you to forgive me. not at all. you're probably gonna hate me for the rest of your life and i get that. just listen, because what i'm about to say is important. i know jadens hurt you, a lot. multiple times. he fucked up. and you deserve better. but he truly loves you and i need you to know that. he really really does" she says

"if you truly love someone, why would you wanna hurt them" i say with tears in my eyes

it starts to rain

"i dont know. that's why you have to talk to him. im sure he can explain. remember this please ; he's dated so many girls but still ends up fighting for you, loving you and only caring about you. think about it louise. you're the one for him. if you still love him and if he's the one for you, then go! " she says

"thank you" i say

i give her a hug

"goodbye stephanie" i say

"goodbye louise."

she walks away. i need to do one more thing. i hope he waits.

jadens pov

40 minutes now. bryce gave me a blanket. noen made me some hot chocolate to keep me warm.

"you should come wait inside man" chase says

"i'm good" i say

"ru sure?" payton asks

i nod. they close the door. please come louise.

louises pov

i knock on the door

"hey babe!" he says

"jason.. we gotta talk" i say

"i dont like the sound of that" he says worried

"i cant fully love you. i'm so sorry jason. you are amazing and so so sweet but i-"

"you still love him" he finishes

i look up and nod

"i get it louise. you've always loved him and hes always loved you. you guys are made for each other"

"d- did you know?" i ask with a trembling voice

"kinda saw it coming. i just decided to enjoy it while it lasted" he says

"oh jason"

i hug him

"thank you so so much, for everything" i whisper

"can we still be friends" he whispers

"ofcourse" i say cupping his face

i kiss his cheek

"thank you" i say once again

"you're welcome. now go get your man! oh and i want a wedding invite" he yells after me

"I LOVE YOU, I FUCKING LOVE YOU" i yell running out of the apartment


i'm running for the life of me. tears running down my face. happy tears though, i promise.

my makeup is all over the place, im
soaking wet and i just stepped into a puddle. but i feel good.

god, i feel amazing.

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