part 4

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friday, sleepovernight

It's friday, 4 pm. I'm sitting on my bed, casually scrolling through tiktok when i realize it's friday, oh holy shit
i have a sleepover to plan!

I run downstairs, grab my wallet, keys and phone, run outside and jump into my car. I drive off to target, where i get a shitload of snacks and some energy drinks. I'm walking past the alcohol isle, turn around, walk back and look at the racks. I stand still and doubt. should i? i probably shouldn't
maybe i should.
I grab a bottle of tequila, check the isle to see if no one saw me and walk to the cashier.
She looks at me, smacks her lips while looking at me up and down
'I'm 21, it's legal' i say
'Yea right and i must be beyonce, ID?'
well shit.

I walk out of the store rolling my eyes. What the fuck even is the law? ( laughs in european) Once i get home i prepare all the snacks and put them on the kitchen table. I hear the doorbell ring.
'HI BITCH!' cate yells as i open the door
she throws her arms around me and gives me a tight hug
'You're ch-choking me' i struggle to say
she lets me go, giggles, puts her bags next to the kitchen table and lets herself fall onto the couch.
The doorbell rings again
Cate and i look at her in shock
'I'm sorry. Was that too agressive?' she says as she walks to the couch
we chuckle before being shushed by her
'guess what i brought' she says
'what?' cate asks raising an eyebrow
she gets a box out of her pocket, shakes it and smirks
'what is it ems?' I ask, now standing up out of curiosity
she opens the box slowly
'FUCK YES' cate yells clapping her hands
'Holy shit emma, i did NOT expect you to ever buy us weed' i say
'Oh well what can i say? I'm full of surprises' she says winking

and so the sleepover begins.

We're eating snacks while watching to all the boys I've loved before
I get a text

mom: hi honey. I have a late shift tonight! Enjoy your sleepover, but not too much. ;)

'LADIES looks like we've got the house for us til 2!!!' I yell
'AYE LETS GO' cate yells as she whips out a bottle of vodka
My eyes widen, then i raise an eyebrow
'Fake id' she whispers
We all cheer as we open the bottle and start getting out the roll stuff.

two hours later
we're lying on the roof, drunk and high as fuck ( dw it's a flat roof they're not gonna fall off'
Cate passes me the joint after taking a hit herself and emma has fully claimed the tequila bottle
She takes a gulp of it, causing me to giggle
'fuck this man, imma miss y'all' i say
'these dope ass summer nights' cate adds
We both nod
We then cry (ik a bit dramatic right)
'Fuck' cate sniffs
'I cant' emma sobs
'Omg stfu y'all im not gonna die' i say
They glare at me
'We'll meet up as much as we can!' I add
'Pinky promise?' Emma pouts
'Promise' i say holding both of their pinkies

A/N TADAAA. i rlly enjoyed writing this one. it makes me want summer so baaad. also friends. i want friends LMAO. okay so i think next chapters gunna be in LA oooh exciting 😌

A/N: no cuz when i first wrote this i thought cigs and joints were the same thing.

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