part 7

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( i love this song lol )

i wake up and check my phone. its monday today, which means my mom wont be home for an entire day. she works hard, but gets paid well.

i see i have a text from anthony

daddy ant 👅 : hey princess, u wanna hang out tmrrw? ion have any plans

he sent it last night

hi ant, are u still free?

daddy ant is typing...

daddy ant 👅 : well im chilling with the boys but u can come over!!

he sends me the adress. i hop out of bed and take a quick shower. i straighten my hair and pick out this outfit :

 i straighten my hair and pick out this outfit :

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i put on some natural makeup and jump in the car. a bit later i arrive and knock on the door. Bryce Hall opens the door


"MINE, SHES MY GIRL!" i hear anthony yelling. i blush at the fact he called me his girl.

"hey lu, come in" he says, putting his arm on my shoulder.

we walk in and i see Josh Richards, Chase Hudson, Griffin Johnson and Jaden Hossler sitting in the couch.

Chase looks up and asks " damn ant, u lucky af"

i smile a bit uncomfortable. Josh stands up and reaches out his hand, i shake it and he says "hey im Josh whats ur name?"

"im louise, but u can call me lu"

"well hi Lu, im griffin, thats chase, thats jaden and i think u already met Bryce"

i nod laughing. Jaden looks up and stares with a weird look on his face.

jadens pov
i wasnt rlly paying attention, but i still heard the convo. there was a girl called louise or sum and she was anthony's gf or whateva. when i hear her voice i look up. i holy fuck she was beautiful. Her hair, her voice, her body and oh god her smile.

she rlly was hot asf, but she was anthony's and bro code : dont fuck ur mates gf. she looks at me and smiles. god she was adorable. i smile back at her. shit this is gunna be hard.

louises pov
they were all cute af. but anthony was the cutest. although jaden is hot asf. no LU NO.  u like anthony.

"u good princess"

"yeah sorry i just zoned out a bit"

"okay so what do yall wanna do?" chase asks.

"well i invited some girls over, so lets ask them" josh says.

not much later, the doorbell rings. i see 4 girls walking in.

"oh uhm lu, this is cynthia, thats charli, thats nessa and this is addison, gurls this is louise" bryce says.
i say hi to all of them. cynthia gives me a dirty look.


"omg yass" everyone else says.

we all sit in a circle, i sit next to addison and charli.

" okay i'll start, bryce truth or dare" josh says.


" i dare u to kiss addison"

addison blushes and gets up. they kiss and it quickly turns out into a makeout shesh.

"okay sweeties thats good" i say as i pull addison back.

everyone laughs. addison blushes once again.

" uhm louise truth or dare" bryce asks.


" seven minutes in heaven with ant"

i see anthony smirking and i smile at him. i see jaden clenching his jaw. weird.

we get into a closet and he looks at me. he whispers " can i kiss you Louise" i blush and nod. he cups my face and presses his soft lips on mine. i put my arms around his neck and kiss him back. before we know it the 7 minutes are over. we walk out and everyone looks at us. i sit down and charli asks me what we did ' we kissed' i whispered in her ear. she jumps 'ieieieie thats my girl' 'shushhh ' i say laughing.

jadens pov
after 7 minutes, that felt like forever they finally get out of the closet ( lmao that sounds so weird ). i see that  anthony's lips got a bit lip gloss on them. i get jealous and idek why.

"okay uhm jaden truth or dare" louise says.


"how many girls have you slept with" cynthia says.

"like sixt- i mean uhm nothing u should know" i say while giving a highfive to  griffin.

time skip

louises pov
i decided to spend the night. i was in a room with addison and charli. we talked a lot and eventually fell asleep.

A/N okay so NOW the fun starts lmao. nobody reads this crap but oh well

word count : 770 words

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