part 21

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i wake up to a smell of bacon and eggs.
yesss im so hungry i could eat a child. ( jk im not a cannibal )

i go downstairs and see my mom cooking some eggs. i stand behind her and wrap my arms around her.

"goodmorning sweetie" she says with a smile.

"morning mom"

we sit down and start eating. i cough

"uh mom... wh- what kind of boy would u like me to date?"

she chokes on her bacon.

"oh well uh. my opinion shouldnt matter. as long as my baby is happy."

"awhhh! but for real! i wanna know"

" okay okay... uhm well i like payton a lot!"

i look at her with a ur shitting me right look

"mom ru serious"


"paytons gay!"

"oh really? i mean are u sure he isnt bisexual or something-"

i facepalm and laugh.

"n- no mom"

we both burst into laughing. i get a call from chase. i look up to my mum

"take it honey"

"are u sure? it could wait!"

she nods. i go upstairs and answer the call.

hiii lu!

hey chasie! ive missed hanging out with u and the gang

me too! thats actually why im calling, wanna come over?

i would love to! but its payton last day and i-
he cut me off

hes actually here right now! were dropping him off at the airport tonight

omg! im omw bitchez

i smile and decide to put on a decent outfit, since i was still in my pj's. i havent stopped thinking about the kiss last night. we spent an hour cuddling after and then said our goodbyes.

i washed my face but didnt put on makeup because my skin was pretty clear and i didnt wanna mess it up

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i washed my face but didnt put on makeup because my skin was pretty clear and i didnt wanna mess it up.

i kiss my mom goodbye and hop in the car. not much later i arrive at chase's house. it was so pretty and HELLA HUGE

 it was so pretty and HELLA HUGE

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