part 18

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jadens pov

when mads finally left i went up to louise. she laughed at me.

"well we talked.." i said

we both burst into laughing. i look her in the eyes. she looks back. she was so gorgeous. her eyes, her hair, her lips. those lips. they looked so soft. they looked like they tasted like cherry chapstick. i lean in but she looks away.

"i uh should probably go" she says

"yeah me too i gotta play games.. like uh videogames" fuck im so stupid. why am i so nervous?

she grabs her phone and heads out. i run my fingers through my hair. why did i lean in? did i want to kiss her? thats ridiculous, i dont even know her. but i want to. i really do

louises pov

i go home and fall on my bed. this is all so weird. i mean first hes .. well jerking off to me? then he tries to kiss me.. NO. no. louise dont flatter yourself HE DOES NOT LIKE YOU! i laugh at myself. as if JADEN HOSSLER would like me. i sound so stupid.

the next morning i decide to go the sway house. not because i wanna see jaden, why would i want that.. i change into a comfi outfit and head out the doors

 i change into a comfi outfit and head out the doors

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i get to the sway house and knock. anthony opens the door. well shit.

"oh uh louise hey"

"hi" i avoid eye contact

"c-come in!" he steps aside, guiding me into the house.

i smile and walk in. i see josh on the couch and run up to him sneaky. i put my hands before his eyes and say

"guess who"

"by the smell of it i would say.. anthony?" he chuckles

"rude bish" i pretend to be hurt.

"awh baby i knew it was uuu" he stands up and hugs me.

"u wanna watch a movie?" he asks

"sure but i gotta use the bathroom first"

"k! i'll pick a movie in the meantime"

i go upstairs and hear giggling from jadens room.  i thought he broke up with mads? why do i even care

i walk in the bathroom and close the door. not much later someone knocks.

"anthony stop pooping in this toilet! i told u to shit in the bathroom downstairs mate! and btw i rlly need smth from the drawer"

its jaden.

"its uh not anthony and im not taking a shit so dw" oh god this is embarrassing.

"louise? oh sorry dw just uh.. well do what u gotta do i guess?"

lmao this dude. i flush the toilet and walk out. his door is closed but i still  walk in to say the toilet is free. i wish i never did.

jaden and a girl are on his bed. shes
sucking his dick 😳

"HOLY SHIT" i close the door with a shocked pickachu face and run downstairs.

i go up to josh and just sit next to him, still shocked from what my poor eyes just saw. jaden runs downstairs.

"fuck. louise can we uh talk?"

"yeah i'd rather not tbh.."

josh looks up to me and i give him the 'pls help me ' look. he smirks and says

"shes all yours jaden"

i look at him. he chuckles

"ur gunna pay for this richards"

i walk up to jaden and he takes me upstairs. the girl is sitting on his bed. with clothes on this time. well only a hoodie. jadens hoodie.

"uh so its not what it looks like" he says.

"yeah its just a one time thing" the girl says.

"well im sorry for walking in i just well it doesnt matter. have fun imma just go"

jaden grabs my hand.

"im sorry." he says

"jaden i really dont give a fuck. now go get your girl"

i go back to josh. FINALLY we can watch a movie. were cuddling and eating snacks. but i keep seeing that disturbing image.

"josh.. who is that girl upstairs? the one with jaden"

"oh.. idek know her name. dw shes gone by tonight. "

"what do u mean?"

"well lets just say jaden likes.. sex. but he gets bored easily. so yeah he has a new one like everyday"

"sweet mother of god"

"yeah ik, i have to live with him have some mercy"

i giggle and we continue watching the movie. if jaden thought i was gonna be one of his toys he was damn wrong.

A/N : oOooh spicyyy! okay so i have a lot and i mean A LOT of work tomorrow for school but i'll deffo try to upload a chapter. thank u for 500 readers! yall motivate me so much <33

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