part 3

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the first period kinda flew by.
i wasnt paying any attention to class, i was just trying to find a way to tell my friends.
" miss Smith? miss Smith?" mr Sullivan repeated my name multiple times but i didnt hear him,
until emma pinched me.
"earth to louise?" she asks.
"oh sorry what was the question" i ask embarrassed.
"i asked if you knew when Colombus found America" he says angry
"uhm s- sorry no" i answer. who the fuck even knows that?
"anyone else know the answer?" he continued.
"ru okay" emma asks, with a frown on her face.
"yeah sorry i just zoned out".

time skip, after school

"girl what was up with you today?" cate asks.
"yeah you've been on planet Lu for the entire day?" emma says.
i have to tell them.
here goes nothing..
"im moving. to LA. next weekend. my mom told me yesterday. im sorry" i blurt out
expecting them to be furious, i look at my hands.
but suddenly i feel two arms wrapping around me, and a bit later another pair.
"its okay", emma says as she hugs me tight.
"it's not your fault" cate says cupping my face.
'we're gonna fucking miss you' emma pouts
"i'll miss y'all more" i say, my eyes tearing up
I hug them again and we just stay like that for a while,
making the terrible news, feel a little less terrible


i finally got home after a long day and jumped onto my bed.
i put on shadowhunters and let it play in the background
while doing my homework i get a notification.

cupcate : hey bitchezz!
ems : hiyaa
fruitLuup: hiii
cupcate : i just had this amazing idea : what if we had a sleepover! yk, one last time with the girls!?
ems : i would love that!
fruitLUup : we could do it at my place!
cupcate : awesome! when though?
fruitLUup : this friday?
ems : yass omg

i smile at the fact that cate and i had picked ridiculous nicknames and the fact that emma had said ' i may be the clueless one, but you two are the most childish' i told her fremma would be great, she told me that if i ever called her that she wouldn't speak to me again.
I put my phone down, still smiling and finish my homework.
I'm scrolling through instagram
Jaden Hossler posted
God he's so hot.
He's dating mads though.
'Lu dinners ready!' My mom yells
I go downstairs and sit down at the kitchen table with her.
'Did you manage to tell your friends' she asks, giving me a soft smile
'I did actually. Is it okay if we have a sleepover this friday?'
'Ofcourse honey that'd be great'

I return her smile, to let her know I'm not angry with her.

AN IMPORTANT SIDENOTE! as yall noticed the y/n turned into louise, also known as Lu. i figured it would be less confusing and cooler to have a name lmao. im uploading a new chapter tonight. AND I SWEAR UR GUNNA LOVE IT!

A/N: pls let me know if y'all still read this shi

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