part 49

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louises pov

4 days later, 2 am

im sitting on the ground in the bathroom feeling like shit. i flush the toilet and stand in front of the mirror

do i want to keep this baby
do i really?

i get interrupted by stephanie

she sits next to me, on the bathroom floor. we just stare at the wall in silence.

"u okay?" she asks

"i dont know. my moms been bombing my phone, telling me to go to the apartment" i sigh

"lu, u can stay as long as you like" she says

"i know. once ive decided if i wanna keep it, i'll move" i say

she nods and puts her head on my shoulder.

jadens pov

"jay?" cynthia whispers

"yes baby" i say

"you know that i love you right?" she asks

"ofcourse, i love you more though" i smirk

"no u dont" she places a kiss on my cheek

i hug her and quickly fall asleep.

dont get mad at me. i love louise, i always will. but she doesnt want to be together, so i have to move on. thats exactly what im doing. i really like cynthia, shes adorable

louises pov

stephanie yawns

"you can go to sleep you know" i say

"nah. im staying here for.. support!" she says, making me smile

"how are you and noen?" i ask

"ohh louise! hes perfect, i swear hes the cutest human alive. he cares so much i really love him" she blushes

"i totally ship it! team stoen all the way" i say, throwing my fist in the air

we both laugh but then stephanie looks at me super serious


"its time to decide luv" she says

"ughhh i know"

she grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"look at yourself" she says, grabbing both of my shoulders and pointing at the mirror in front of us.

"do you see yourself with a smol lil cute beb?" she says

i look at myself and imagine what the baby would look like. it would have jadens, gorgeous blue eyes, my brown hair and the cutest little cheers ever! fuck.. i have baby fever

"steph" i say

she looks at me with an OmG hAvE yoU dEciDed? look

"i- i think im gonna keep it" i say

"OMG YAAAAAAY!!!!" she yells

"yall shut it im trying to sleep" lola says making us go -oop

"omg im so proud of you!" steph says holding my hands

"and you know if i change my mind i can give it to someone who doesnt have the chance to have one" i say

"you're an angel Louise Smith. a fucking angel!" she says


"happy birthday to yououou! happy birthday to you! happy birthday to my bestfriend louise aka the coolest person i knowwww! happy birthday to youu" stephanie sings, holding a cake with candles on it

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