part 51

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louises pov

"HOE! wake tf up" stephanie yells opening up the blinds

"geez why the rush" i groan

"uhm doctors appointment? were finding out the baby's gender today!" she says, putting on her shoes

"what time is it" i ask

"like 11:23am.. we gotta be there at 12!"

i get up and check my phone, a bunch of people are tagging me in a post

i get up and check my phone, a bunch of people are tagging me in a post

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1,252,738 likes, liked by chasehudson
jadenhossler : happy birthday lu. </3

addisonrae : 🥺

luvanthony : awh bro

jouiseforevah: just date again pls

jadenlove: I MISS THIS @louisesmith

he remembered.

jadens pov

i wake up feeling terrible, nothing new tho. yesterday was her birthday. louises birthday. i didnt see her and didnt get a chance to wish her a happy birthday. oh god i hope she sees my post

"babe! you havent been responding to my calls! i wanted to hang out yesterday" cynthia yells

"i- i just wasnt in the mood" i sigh

"is it because of her? do you still care about her? oh my god jaden" she says

"can you just- stop yelling? for one damn second!" i say rubbing the bach of my head

"ugh! i cant believe you" she says storming out

great. i grab the blunt from my night stand and light it up

"jaden im here to give- JADEN?!?" anthony yells

"geez, can you knock?" i say

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" he yells ever louder

"shush its the first time plus its just a blunt mOm" i say

"first time my ass" he grabs the blunt and throws it out the window

"hey! what was that for!" i shrug

"jaden" he smacks me in the face " are you fucking crazy? keep ur head up okay? get your shit together" he says holding both of my shoulders

"i cant" i say

"is it bec-" i cut him off

"i still love her ant.. i love her so damn much" i say, my voice slightly cracking

"i know bud, i know" he pulls me into a hug and i softy start sobbing in his chest

"i-i want her back " i say in between sobs

"then go get her!" anthony says

"wh-what? anthony she hates me" i say

"she doesnt. she wants to, but she loves you. a lot. and shes pre-" he stops talking

"shes what?" i ask wiping away my tears

"shes uh pre- precon- uh preconditioned!" he says

"what does that even mean" i ask confused

"well uh shes in the previous fase of a condition! like a moving on condition. so you better go get her soon, before she moves on you know!" he says holding up his thumb, as if hes proud of himself

"you know what? you're right. i'll go talk to her. right now actually!"

"woah! your ass is still high asf so u better sit down" he says

louises pov

"are you nervous?" she asks

"ofcourse im nervous, im finding out my babies gender!" i say

"god i cant wait either!"


"mrs Smith?" dr Raven smiles as she sees me

steph and i both follow her into the familiar little room.

"no babydaddy yet?" she asks

"uh-" i start but stephanie cuts me off

"not yet!"

i smile and nod

"okay well lets do this!" mrs ravens says

stephanie grabs my hand and i squeeze it lightly.

"oh damn!!" steph says

i look at the screen. oh my god

A/N: i had a crusty ass day loool

q : celeb crush?

m : timmy chalamet & dylan o'brien i think

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