part 5

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I stood there.
Right in front of jaden hossler
My muscles didn't work
I couldn't move, not to mention speak
He walks up to me, grabs my face and smashes his lips against mine
'Louise?' a familiar voice says
shutup im kissing jaden hossler.
'Lu? Louise!'
I turn around
What is she doing here
Someone grabs my wrist, i turn around and..
Fall off my bed.
it was a dream
Mom storms in
Im still on the floor
'Louise, are you okay? What are you doing on the floor?' She asks
I groan
'Get up!' She yells 'we've got so much work!'

Right. Moving day. It's moving day today.
I get up, put on a playlist and throw on some comfy clothes.
The house is full of boxes, including my room

I go downstairs to find my mom talking to someone on the phone. She smiles when she sees me and tells me the company she hired should be here anytime.

about 3 hours later, the house is empty.
empty as in empty empty.
No furniture, no decorations, nothing.
The thought of it makes me sad, this is the house i grew up in, this is basically the storage for all my memories.
A hand softly touches my shoulder
'Are you ready?' mom asks
'Can i just.. say goodbye?' I ask
She nods
'I'll wait in the car. Take your time'

I go up to my room.
Memories come flooding in.
I had my first kiss here, first sleepover, first time trying alcohol.
I smile as a tear falls down my cheek
I head to the bathroom and chuckle
The amount of times ive sat at the toilet, hungover as shit, is uncountable
Kitchen, probably my fav place
Living room
I cringe at the fact that i lost my virginity on the couch

I close the door behind me and sigh,
It's time for a new beginning.

A/N AAAAAAH its happening :)) sooo stoked. next chapter is in LA!! okay so do yall like this? idk if anyones even reading this oh well. k bye now

A/N: yk how boring rewriting actually is? LMAO okay well anyways once the chapters get better i'll stop 🤨

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