part 78

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2 months later

louises pov

"i should i know i should but-"

"but what addison?" i say

"i dont know its just- UGH! men are exhausting"  she scoffs

i chuckle and nod
"just talk to him alright, you can do it. i think he needs you more than ever right now" i say

"you're right. this isnt about me. its about bryce. and i love bryce so i need to help him" she says

"AWHHHH" i scream

"what?" she says scared


"yeah whatever you bully! how are YOU doing, really?" she asks

"well uh im uh, i'm fine honestly." i say

addison raises an eyebrow

"i am! i really am" i say

she sighs

"OKAY FINE IM NOT. im not at all" i say breaking down

"there it is" she says pulling me into a hug. i start lightly sobbing in her chest

"im ruining your sweaterrr" i bawl

she starts laughing
"thats okay baby, let it all out. im here." she says

i must admit it felt great to cry and to know she didnt judge me. i've tried, god, i've really tried to stay strong but its so fucking hard. its so hard to put on a smile every day, make content, pretending you're fine.

"i hate him. he ruined my life" i say with a shake voice

addi cups my face and wipes away some tears with her thumbs

"you can say that all you want but i know deep down inside you still love him. you always will lu. and thats okay! he was the love of your life. hiding your  feelings is gonna make it worse" she says

oh how that was true. i miss him so much. i love him with my entire heart. i hate to say it but i really do. the scary part was that i, just like addi said, would love him forever.

"no its not okay! i should hate him. i should  burn his clothes or, or crash his car. i dont want him to be the love of my fucking life!"

but he was. and she was his.

jadens pov

"elio please stop crying, i know you miss mommy but we can have a good time too alright!"

he starts crying harder.

"daddy why awe mommy and you never togwether anymowe?" rose asks

"oh sweetie. mommy and i, we uh. we had a little fight because i did something mommy didnt like. she needs time to think about everything" i say

"will you guys evew be togethew again?" she pouts

"i dont know honey, i hope so" i say picking her up

i bring both of them to the kitchen and give them their food.

louise still lives in her LA apartment, but only for the kids. if it wasnt for them she probably wouldve moved to Europe. i havent talked to her since. i figured she didnt wanna see me. well yeah, she literally said she never wanted to see my face again...

we have a system. elio and rose stay here for a week, then they go to louise.
the dropping off goes fast. louise stays in the car. even when she picks them up. she just honks to let us know shes here. i miss her.

someone knocks on the door

"its open mom" i say

"not you mom bro!"

"hey josh" i say dabbing him up.

"chase, noen and i are gonna bowl tonight, wanna join?"

"bryce still sad about the shit people are saying about him?" i ask

"yeah man its pretty fucked up. i hate rumours. addison is gonna try to cheer him up" he says

"thats great, see you tonight then?" i ask


louises pov

she got hips i got a grip for
a lot of ass dont need to have more
i know its sweet i like that

the tiktok stops. i write a caption then post it. i must say ive been on a grind lately. contents been fire. im also hanging out with a lot of friends so we can make vids together.

a lot of my comments are asking about jaden. i try to ignore them as i scroll down and like a few others. i get a call

hi its louise

v: hey lu! ive been checking up on your socials and you're doing amazing!

thanks Vanessa!

v: ofcourse! i have a question though


v: do you have an idea on what to tell them?

about the jaden thing? i was just about to figure that out. i can go live

v: that would be great. good luck kid

thanks v!

i hang up and go on instagram. lets handle this shit.

jadens pov

im just on my phone when i get the notification that louise is live.

hey guys!

shes wearing white tank top with black high waisted shorts. her hair is wet and she has earphones in. she looks gorgeous ( picture above )

sooo i just wanted to talk about well uh jaden. because i know a lot of you are curious on what happened. and you guys deserve to know

i start shaking. she- shes not actually gonna tell them what i did right? no she wouldnt do that. that would ruin my career. maybe thats exactly what she wants to do  FUCK FUCK FUCK

basically, me and jaden arent together anymore because we decided that we were better off as friends. uh yeah!

oh my god. i can finally breathe again. she starts reading a few questions

'where are elio ad rose?' theyre with jaden right now!

'isnt it weird to have babies with your 'friend''? well i mean hes also my ex so no its not that weird

"you really shouldnt watch her lives if you're tryna get over her fuckface" she says

"yeah i know. uh i thought u already left? and fuckface is louises word. stop saying it" i say pissed

"geez i was just about to. and its just a word babe. anyways call me if you need me" she says


she finally gets out. calling her was a BIG mistake.

A/N: heres a long oneee, if u have questions just leave em here. also i know exactly what im gonna do now based on what you guys want hehe

q: who do you think the girl at jadens is?

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