part 39

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louises pov

i wake up next to addi. shes sleeping peacefully so i get up as quiet as possible. its only 6 am right now but i wanted to go for a run.

"where ru goin luv" i hear voni say

"for a run" i say

"ask cynthia if she wants to join, she loves running. and yall should become friends" she whispers

"nah thanks she made out with my bf." i say

"i did too and look where we are now.. " she says ( talking bout ant btw )

i smile and nod

"ur right" i put on my shoes and go to cynthia and nessas room. i knock and surprisingly someone opens the door

"oh hi louise" nessa says

"hey ness, is cynthia here?" i ask. she looks at me with wide eyes

"uh y-yea.. cynthia?" she yells

not much later cynthia appears.

"l-louise.. watchu doin here this early?" she says

"i was planning to go on a run, would u like to join?" i ask

"well- i mean sure." she looks at nessa confused. nessa puts up her hands in defense and walks away. tf was up with these two?

she puts on her shoes and we go outside.

"so uh why did u think of me" she says

"well yk, i know things have been like heated between us, but you genuinly seem super sweet and i thought i should at least give it a shot" i say,

she looks down

"whats wrong?" i say

"so you really dont know?" she says

"dont know what?" i say smiling

jadens pov

i wake up with a HUGE ass headache. i hardly remember what happened last night. i get up and grab some water.

"hahsj you were fuckeddd up man" griffin says, patting my back

"dude i dont remember anything" i say, drinking up the water.

" i do.. lemme tell u it was bad. really bad. you fucked up jaden" jason says

"tf is that supposed to mean" i say confused

"u kicked me & called louise a slut" josh says

"thats not even the worst part" nick says


"dude... you cheated" jason says

"what?" i say

"made out & fucked" nick adds

"w-with who?" i say, rubbing the back of my head

"cynthia" they both say

louises pov

"cynthiaaa just tell me!" i say

"i really cant. i shouldnt.." she says

third persons pov

while louise is begging cynthia to tell her, nessa went to the other girls and told them what happened. jaden is still trying to understand that he fuuucked up madly.

let me just tell you : shits about to go down

louises pov

we get back to the hotel and cynthia still hasnt told me.

"ur a nice girl louise. im sorry for everything. i hope that one day, we can be friends" she says and with that she goes inside. wtf? WTF? what in the world is that supposed to mean?

i go up to my room, still confused. i walk in and see all the girls already awake. staring at me. either a sad face, or an im so sorry face.

"louise.." addison says

"uh yeah?" i say

"were so sorry" avani adds

"about what?" i say chuckling

"y-you dont know?" charli says

"guys.. maybe we shouldnt-" dixie says

"OKAY what in the frickin world is going on? what is everyone talking about? why are yall acting like somebody died?" i say, before the girls can answer, theres a knock on the door.

jadens pov

after 2 hours of panicking i finally got the courage to go to her room. i hope no one told her yet. i knock on the door

"jay! morning" she says

"h-hey louise" i say

"whats wrong" she asks

I look at griffin, bryce and all the girls.
they nod and get out. louises grabs their arms

"no. yall are staying here. now what the fuck is going on?" she says mad

"l-louise.. i dont know how to say this" i say looking down

"just fucking tell me hossler" she says

"lu.. i cheated on you with cynthia last night. im so sorry" i say with tears in my eyes

"what?" she says

louises pov

"what?" i say, standing there in disbelief. theres no way. theres no way this happened. this is a dream. or either a nightmare. someone pinch me. someone pinch me right fucking now

"louise.. please say something" he says

"d-did yall know about this?" i say, turning to the girls and the rest of the boys. they all look down.

"are you fucking kidding me? everyone knew EXCEPT ME?" i say, as my body is  filling with anger

"we only found out a few minutes ago" dixie says

i turn back to jaden

"did you think of me..." i say

"what do you mean" he says with tears in his eyes

"did you think of me while sticking ur weener inside her?!" i say

"i.. yes. i did" he says looking away

"i regret dating you. i regret loving you. i regret even FUCKING meeting you" i say getting out of the room, running out the hotel. i need to get out of this place. i wanna go home. now. i wanna be with my mom. i want my normal life back. i wish i never met any of these people.

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