part 17

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"i-" he looks for the right words.

"payton just tell me!"

"i kissed someone at the party.."


he looks at me with sad eyes.

"louise.. its not a she"

"oh.. well whats wrong with that?"

he looks up confused.

"u dont think its weird?"

"well i didnt see it coming but why would it be weird?"

" so like u still wanna be friends"

i pull him into a hug while petting his head gently.

"oh payt.. you are my bestie. and i love you for who you are. so i dont care if ur gay, straight, pan.. i will always love you. so be yourself. and be proud"

he looks at me and hugs me tight.

"i love you so much!"

i smile.

after a while of talking about the party i decide to ask him.

"sooo like can i know who it is?" i smirk.

"no. no u cant"

"oh cmooon PLEASEEE" i look at him with puppy eyes.

"ugh fine.. but dont tell anyone!"

"i pinky promise!" i say while reaching out my finger.

"its.. dylan.."

"OMG NO WAY!! IEIIEIEIE I SHIP!" i jump up and down the room. payton laughs. im glad hes happy. he deserves to be.

we talk for a bit more but then i go bc dylan is coming. i hug payton and wish him luck with a wink.

when i get home, i get a text from jaden.

j : yo uh can i maybe have my hoodie back tmrrw?

oh yeah sure sorry

j: np its just mads doesnt like the fact that u have it

okay i get it i'll bring it tmrrw

i make a few tiktoks then go on insta. i post a picture that i took at the party yesterday.

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louisesmith :last night was lit asf 🤪🥳

lilhuddy : damn right it was

charlidamelio : it was amazing

dixiedamelio: i was so wasted
- louisesmith : PHAHA TRU

joshrichards : it was 😉
- louisesmith: shush


i put my phone down and watch on my block. next thing i know i fall asleep.

when i wake up i hop in the shower and text payton to ask how it went. i put on an outfit and straighten my hair

i grab jadens hoodie and head to the sway house

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i grab jadens hoodie and head to the sway house. On the way i get a text from payton

p : it was great! we watched netflix and cuddled hehe

yall too cute 🥺 im so happy for u payt

i knock on the door and josh opens.

"hey there princess"

"hi" i say shyly.


" i brought jadens hoodie"

"oh uh hes upstairs with mads"

"thank u" i walk past him.

"so no hug? ok.." he pouts.

i turn around and give him a hug. i quickly mess up his hair then run up the stairs. the door is halfly open.

"jaden u cant just give her ur hoodie!"

"why not? its not such a big deal mads ffs"

"it is! I am ur gf! shes not!"

"i wont do it again ok!"

i cough and fully open the door. madison looks at me with a bitch face.

"i uh brought ur hoodie"

"right thanks." he smiles.

"imma just go-"

i go back downstairs and go to the kitchen. jaden follows me.

"ugh i cant stand her"

"then why ru dating her"

shit. that came out too quickly. WHY DID I SAY THAT?!! he looks up at me confused.

"i- i was joking" i nervously laugh.

"but ur right. idek why im still dating her. i dont think im in love with her anymore.. "

"maybe u should tell her?"

he smiles and nods. he then goes upstairs. im eating a cookie. about 10 mins later i hear madison screaming.


she storms downstairs, followed by jaden.

"dont be mad please. i love u mads but just not in that way"

she smacks him in the face. i almost choke on my poptart.

"whatever. go fuck that louise whore of u. i know u like her. i dont need u" she storms off and slams the door.

dude why does everyone keep calling me a whore? i dated 1 guy.. jaden walks up to me.

"so uh i talked to her"

we both burst into laughing. then we lock eyes. its weird but i cant look away. his eyes are beautiful. like really beautiful. i could stare at them forever. he comes closer but i break the eye contact.

"anyways uh i gotta go.."

"yeah s-same i mean i uh gotta uh go play games.. like videogames." he rubs his head

"k bye"

"yeah bye"

what the fuck just happened?

A/N : teehee i got such nice comments yall motivate me so much thank u 🥺 anyways i hope u liked this chapter full of teaaaa

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