part 43

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7:43 pm

jadens pov

we just ate and are now making our bags. we put on some music and vibe a bit while cleaning up the room.

i realize my hoodie is missing

"yo has anyone seen my black hoodie" i ask

"nah" chase says ( how iCoNiC liL huDdy okay i'll leave )

i then realize i gave it to louise. shit

louises pov

im cleaning out the closet when i see jadens hoodie. i take it, and right as i open the door, i bump into him

"i was gonna ask for my-" he starts

"hoodie" i finish, handing him his hoodie.

"thanks" he smiles

i just close the door in his face. i continue packing up.

"YALL ITS 8 ALREADY!" addison screams

"FUCK!" we all yell

we throw in all our stuff and get out of the room. i stay and check if we forgot anything, ofcourse avani forgot her fake nose ring in the bathroom. i take it and head out.

we load in all our stuff and get on the bus

"avani! u forgot this" i say, giving her the piercing

"omg thanks!" she says, hugging me

"lu.. who are u gonna sit next to now?" charli asks

"idk yet.. paytons sitting next to nick so" i say

"i'll sit next to you" a guy voice says

i look behind me and see jason. i smile and get up. we walk to our seats and i sit by the window.

"okay everyone! were going back home. truly hope yall had an amazing week" vanessa says

i really did. despite the fact that i got my heart broken, i met so many people, i made new friends, i have closer bonds with people i love and i just had the time of my life.

"what are u thinking about" jason asks

"nothing.. i just had a great time" i say

"yeah me too" he says

i smile at him and put my head on his shoulder. i quickly drift off to sleep.

jadens pov

shes laying on his chest. WHY IS SHE LAYING ON HIS CHEST? did she really move on that quickly? wow.

"hey jay" cynthia says

"watchu want" i say

"look im sorry. we were both drunk and what we did was stupid. can we please be friends again?" she says

"idk" i say

"pweazeee" she says with puppy eyes

"fine" i smile

she giggles and goes back to her seat.

time skippie

louises pov

"luuu. princess? wake up" someone says softly

i look up and see jason smiling at me. what a cutie

"we arrived" he says

"dang did i really sleep for 5 hours straight?" i ask

"yup" he chuckles

i facepalm and put everything in my purse. we get out of the bus and get our
bags. i say goodbye to everyone

"promise to meet up soon k?" i say

"pinky swear" the girl crew says

i go over to the boys and hug them all. well yeah, not jaden ofc. but he was talking to the manager anyways.

"pay my boo" i say hugging my bestie

"i promise i'll get back soon" he says

i smile and nod.

"u need a ride?" jason says

"i actually do!" i say

he helps me in his car and starts it. i take one last look at jaden. who was looking very sad... or either.. scared? i couldnt tell.

jadens pov

"jaden. we gotta talk. and you're not gonna like this" he says

fuck. i knew exactly what was coming

A/N : bit on the shorter side. dont rlly have motivation atm. feel pretty shitty but i'll be okay. my parents keep asking to read this but HELL NO!

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