part 84

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jadens pov

as i'm about to go inside i hear footsteps. i turn around and see her standing there, soaking wet. she runs her fingers through her hair and smiles.

god, shes beautiful.

louises pov

hes standing on the doorsteps. his white, wet shirt sticks to his body. he shakes his head and smiles.

i cant help but smile too.

"you came" he yells

i nod

"i'm sorry. for everything. you didnt deserve any of that. im prepared to work on myself. to work on insecurities and self love. probably sounds lame but i wanna do this. for you. because i care about you and i love you. and- and i know that i'll never find someone better than you. thats just impossible. i really love you louise. do you still love me?" he asks

jadens pov

i'm trying to hold back tears as i wait for her to say something.

"please say something" i say, my voice breaking

she looks down. i can see shes trying to find the right words

"i-i forgive you. for everything. maybe thats dumb. but i cant deny what i feel for you. i cant hide my feelings. maybe i'll get hurt again. but as long its you who breaks my heart, im okay with it. i love you too Hossler. i never stopped loving you" she says

i breathe out as the tears roll down my cheek. i start smiling, she smiles back.

"come here" i say

i pick her up and spin her around.

louises pov

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louises pov

i finally kiss his soft lips

he kisses me back then puts me down. he kneels down to one knee

"now, i know it aint as romantic but you're gonna have to live with it. Louise Rose Smith, will you marry me, ... again?" he asks

i chuckle and nod as i wipe away my tears

"yes ofcourse" i say

"i love you Smith, i love you so fucking much"

"i love you too Hossler"

he kisses me and puts his arms around my waist.


"AAAAAAH IM SOBBING" charli yells

we turn around and see everyone standing there.

"my mans getting married" bryce says

"bro are you crying" jaden asks

"what? no" bryce says

"awh! come here you lil bitch" jaden says giving him a hug

"i told y'all they were endgame" josh says

i pull him into a hug and everyone joins in.


"WOOHOOOOOOOO" everyone yells

"uh guys" jaden says

"yeah?" we all ask in harmony

"i just got a text" he says in a concerning tone

we all look at him, waiting for him to talk

"madison just got locked up in a mental hospital because she tried to break into my house" he says

"as she should" avani says

"its what she deserves" i say in a kim kardashian voice

"could this day get any better?" anthony asks

"IT CAN ACTUALLY" josh yells

we all look at him

"we could... yanno... get chick fil a " he says smirking

"LETS GOOOOOO" jaden yells

"ROADTRIP YO" dixie yells

we all jump into the car. josh, avani, dixie, jaden and i in one, anthony, griffin, payton and noen in another and then addison, bryce, charli and chase in the other car.

"im picking the music" josh says

"damnit" jaden says

i start the car. the sky clears up, the music is playing and everythings amazing. the vibes are simply ✨immaculate✨

( play song above )

A/N: alrigh lets try to get 50 votes for a last chapter shall we?

📍 we're almost at 200k readers, which is INSANE. i never thought people would read this shit. i love y'all. alr bye im getting emotional

q: you ready for the last and final chapter? cuz i dont think you are

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