part 37

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read this pls : ik charli and dixie and so didnt go on the REAL lights out tour. this is just a fanfic and im just adding the characters. enjoy!

louises pov

"WAKE TF UP CHICAS!" i open my eyes and see dixie jumping on the bed.

"dixieee shut up" charli says throwing a pillow at dix. i rub my eyes and open the blinds.

"what time is it" addison groans

"7 am" avani says putting up her hair

"we got breakfast at what time?" charli asks

"7:30 so get up" dixie says throwing on a hoodie. after 20 minutes were all ready and go downstairs. some of the boys were already there.

i grab scrambled eggs, some oatmeal, bacon and a croissant. i fill up a glass with orange juice and go sit down at the table.

we silently eat our food, some of us still half asleep. the rest of the boys come down and i see jason. he looks fine af. im allowed to say that right?

he sits down next to jaden and bryce.

"so what r we gonna do today?" i ask biting into my croissant

"uhm meet and greet.. obviously?" nessa says

" oh already?" i say

"yeah! the boys will go first tho. its from 9 t0 11 for them. then we eat lunch and at 2 our meet and greet starts." charli says

i nod and finish my breakfast. we go to our room and kinda chill.

"sooo how does tour normally go?" i ask

"well we just chill or go shopping when its the guys turn. then we have our m&g and in the evening we party. its lit" dixie says

"word" i say

jadens pov

we all get ready and charge our phones.

"ahhh im so excited" griffin says

"same bro" josh says throwing on a hoodie

we hear a knock on the door

"sup fuckers" the boy says

"NO WAY" jason screams

we all run to the door and see payton standing there.


"YEAH LIES" payton says hugging all of us

"imma surprise louise during her m&g so dont tell her yet" he adds

we all nod and go downstairs

"ah! good that yall are here. and great that you arrived safe payton! Vanessa will lead you to the panel. fans are already outside so smile and wave okay?" the manager says

"yessir" josh says, gettin a dirty look from our manager

the minute we walk outside, hundreds of girls start screaming


"I LOVE YALL SO MUCH" another one yells

we were a pretty big group : josh, jason, nick,payton,noen,chase,bryce,griffin, sam, chase keith and me. we walk into the panel and get ready

"okay so here are the water bottles" the lady says pointing under the table " then if u recieve gifts you can place them on or behind the table" she says

" okay is everyone ready?" she says

we all take a deep breath and nod.

she opens the door. we all just kinda stand there and wait for them to come in. the first girl shows up and hugs me tight.

"omg i never thought i would meet you" she says

"awhh" i hug her and take a pic

it just goes on like that for an hour. then this really pretty girl shows up

"hiii" she says

"heyyy" i say hugging her

we take a pic and i kiss her on the cheek. she blushes and gives me her scrunchie.

"make a ponytail" i say, and she does

"remember me" she winks and walks up to chase H.

then a familiar face pops up. i immediatly know who it is

"brenna! so nice to see u!" i say hugging her


"ofcourse i do! how could i forget" i say. she starts crying

"hey dont cry" i say, wiping the tears off her face with my thumb. she smiles and hugs me tight. it goes on like that for another hour.

louises pov

we went shopping and now were eating lunch. ive had a great day so far. i still dont like that nessa and cynthia are here but oh well.

"yall finish up! you gotta leave" the lady says

i stuff some fries in my mouth and grab my purse. the guys walk in and i see jaden having like 5271837 scrunchies on his wrists. one of them is in his hair. i laugh and wave. theres one guy besides jason but i cant see who it is.

"louise! pay attention!" dixie says snapping her fingers

"shit sorry" i say

"okay! fans are outside so be prepared. smile and wave. try to not curse. and be nice. got it?" the lady says

we nod and go outside. ngl im nervous as hell.

"LOUISE I LOVE YOU" someone yells, i smile and wave

"OMG CHARLI UR MY IDOL" a girl yells.

"ADDI IM UR BIGGEST FAN" someone else adds.

we smile and walk to the panel. theres tables and a small stage. then waiting lines. it all looks pretty cool. the woman explains everything then opens the door.

i meet a lot of fans and theyre so sweet. many of them brought gifts.

"hey louise!" a girl says

"ohmigod brenna! im so happy to see you here" i say hugging her

"i made a board" she smiles holding up this cardboard full of pictures of me and jaden

"oh my.. this is amazing. i dont have any words. thank you brenna!" i smile. we hug and take a picture. it goes on like that for a while. when suddenly i see someone standing next to charli and everyones yelling. i realize its payton

"holy fucking shit" i say covering my mouth. everyone yells and screams. he spreads his arms and i jump into them. everyone starts cheering and clapping

"YESS PAYLU!!" a bunch of fans yell

i hold his face and smile. he wipes off some tears. i hug him again and then let go.

"best surprise ever" i say.

A/N: guys holy shat. we hit 10k. 10frixkingk. when i first wrote this story i didnt think people would actually read it. this is insane. thank you.

also next chapter finna be juicy

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