part 58

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❗️play song ❗️

louises pov

i ring the doorbell. no response. i ring it again. still no response. i try to open the door and to my surprise it actually opens

"jaden?" i yell

i walk up the stairs and check every room. i open the bathroom door and there he was. lying on the floor. looking as pale as ever

"jay?! jaden! jaden oh my god what did you do" i collapse onto my knees and take him into my arms. i look around and see a bottle of pills on the floor

"jaden oh god" i say as tears start to roll down my cheeks

"i-im sorry lu" he mumbles

"jay baby what did you do" i say, softly rubbing my thumb against his cheek

"im sorry lu. i love you" he says

"i-i love you too jaden. oh ive never stopped loving you" i say

he puts in all his effort to crack a smile

"stay with me okay!" i say, calling 911

"911 whats your emergency"

"hello uh my- uhm my boyfriend overdosed please send an ambulance"

"we will ma'am whats the adress"

"its riverlake avenue 34 please hurry"

"lu.. " he whispers

"yes babyboy im right here"

"p-promise me t-to take care of the babies" he says

"shut up! you are gonna be there. okay? were gonna raise them together Hossler!" my voice slightly cracks

"please promise me" he says

i take his pinkie and shake it

"if its a girl i want the name to be rose, named after your middle name or summer cause thats the season we met. if its a boy finn because you love that name so much or elio, named after our favorite movie" he smiles

"i love those names. we will make little name cards. cause were gonna raise them together. you fucking hear me? you are NOT leaving me" i yell

i softly start sobbing and i place my head on his

"jaden why did you do this to yourself" i kiss his hand and he lightly squeezes it

"im not good enough" he whispers

"what makes you even think that? jaden you are the most amazing thing thats ever happened to me. okay? when i first met you i must admit you were a big ass douche. but the moment you started singing for me during one of my so many anxiety attacks i knew it. you know how they say a soulmate is someone who cheers you up when you feel down. a person who will stay up late nights JUST to hear me ranting about the new shoes i bought. a person who will love you through thick and thin, through good and bad, through dark and bright. a person who will stand by your side no matter what. you are all that jaden. you are my soulmate.
Jaden, from that moment i knew you were the one. and you will always be. no matter what happens."

i look at him and thats when i realize, his eyes are closed and the grip of his hand is loose.

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