part 54

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lil disclaimer : i changed the cover of this book so dont get confused lmao xoxo

louises pov

im waiting with shaky knees. anthony is holding my hand while biting his nails. i put my hand on his leg and he looks up. i give him a small smile and get a smile back

"mrs Smith?" the doctor says

we follow her into the room and i lay down on the bed-chair.

"so what happened?" she asks

"im uh about 6 weeks pregnant with twins, and i just got into a very.. stressful situation and i wanna make sure everythings okay with them" i say struggling to find the right words

"what kind of stressful situation ma'am" she asks

i look at anthony and he looks down.
the doctor looks at my wrist and noticed the small bruises on it. she looks at me worried and then at anthony

"no, no its not his fault. it was uh my ex boyfriend" i say

she nods and gets the oils. anthony waits outside. as the doctor starts doing her thing i pray to god

please god. let them be okay. theyre so innocent. they deserve a beautiful life. even if i cant be the mom. please

jadens pov

i sit in the car and bump my head against the car wheel a couple times until someone knocks on the window

"jaden? what the fuck are you doing?" stephanie says

i scroll down the window

"oh uh hey ste-stephanie i was just you know uhm riding around the block"

"riiiight. anyways i gotta g-" she stops talking and looks at the entrance of her home. shit. the door is still open.

"jaden how long have you been in this car" she asks

"look i came here, then went- uh no i just stayed inside the car and drived away and then i decided to come
back and everyone was gone" i say

"what do you mean with 'everyone'" she asks

"n-no one uhm i gotta go" i say starting the car and rushing off.

third persons pov

stephanie walks inside her house, confused af. she looks around but cant find her bestfriend.

she checks her phone and immediatly gets a call from louises phone

louise? where are you? and why did you leave the door WIDE open

hey uh its not louise, its ant. sorry for leaving the door open. something happened. were at the hospital

anthony? what do you mean at the hospital? what happened

a : we'll explain everything once were home.

and with that, anthony hangs up leaving stephanie with a lot of questions.

louises pov

the doctor takes a deep breath

"and? is everything okay?" i ask frightened.

"i dont know, i have to get the baby nurse in here. give me a second" she says

girl you're a doctor? how do you not know?

anthony walks in

"and is everything okay?" he asks

"they dont know yet"

he sits down next to me and grabs my hand

"im so sorry louise. so sorry"

"anthony stop apologizing, its not even your fault. besides, you even drove me to the hospital" i say

"louise.. dont you wanna know how jaden knows?" he asks

"well.. i never thought about it." i say confused

"lu... it IS my fault. i was the one who accidentally told him. i swear i didnt mean to but i just flopped it out im so sorry im so stupid lu. if your babies are dead thats on me. im so sorry you have every right to hate me. i cheated on you then told your ex u were pregnant. what the fuck is wrong with me" he says starting to sob

"hey! anthony hey hey come on" i say lifting up his face " its okay. i dont hate you. i know you didnt mean to. jaden was gonna find out anyways." i say

"b-but if i didnt tell him he w-wouldnt have hurt y-you" he says in between breaths

"anthony its the alcohol. jaden is just like that when he drinks. he reeked of whiskey. dont blame yourself for something hes done" i say

he gets up and gives me a big ass hug

"i love you lu" he says

"i love you too ant. and over the cheating part; we just werent meant to be, but if you ever hurt voni i will cut your throat" i say serious

he looks at me with a terrified expression on his face. i start laughing hysterically. i probably sound like a dying whale but thats ok

"im happy to see you laugh" he says, making me smile

the doctor walks back in with the nurse. the nurse settles down and puts on her gloves

"okay uhuh. thats there, which is good. mhm. yes. oop- okay" she says pointing at every single spot on the screen

does this bitch think i know what the fuck shes talking about? anthony looks at the screen with wide eyes. i look at him then at the screen and back at him

i give him a why are you acting like you just saw micheal jackson heehee in front of you look

"i just realized you're gonna have two bigass humans inside of you" he says

the doctor and nurse look up, raising their eyebrows and i burst out laughing. the laughing quickly stops when the nurse stands up and takes a deep breath

"sooo?" anthony asks


A/N : might update tonight, depends if i have the motivation. anyways i have a massive headache so thats fun

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