part 38

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louises pov

the sooner the night arrived, the more excited we all got. the first party was gonna be lit! i did promise myself to not drink too much, considering i have to host tomorrow.

"guys! this dress or this one?" charli says holding up two fancy dresses

"left one" me and dixie say together

avani puts on some eyeliner while i try to put on mascara. were all getting ready to look our best.

i curl my hair and put on some rings

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i curl my hair and put on some rings.

"HOLY SHIT GIRLS WE LOOK HOT" addi says looking in the mirror

we all laugh and take some pics.

"lets go!" i say taking charlis hand.

we walk to the apartment where the party is hosted. Theres drinks everywhere, people that already passed out, people dancing and people in the pool. the apartment is on the second floor and people are jumping from the balcony into the pool.

we all get a drink. i see jaden and walk up to him.

"hii baby" i say, kissing his cheek

"hey sexy" he says

"ru having a good time" i scream over the loud music

"yes very! imma get another drink" he yells, stumbling to the bar. great. hes already drunk.

but i dont care. im here to have fun. i go up to charli and avani dancing and join them. we all grind on each other for fun and random girls join us. man, i fucking love parties.

jadens pov

i see louise grinding on some girls but then shes dancing with some guy. theyre very touchy. too touchy. i walk up to them and slap the guy away

"jaden what the fuck?!" louise says

"stay the hell away from my girlfriend" i say spitting on the dude

"bro wtf is up with you? we were just joking. yk i would never do that to u" the guy says, im realizing now its josh.

"o-oh i didnt know it was you man sorry aha" i say laughing and grabbing onto the couch next to me

"jaden behave please. you're embarrassing yourself AND me" she says

"im embarrassing YOU?" i say, irritated

"yes" she says, crossing her arms

"im not the one grinding on josh like a slut" i say rolling my eyes. she looks at me and clenches her teeth.

"excuse me?" she says

"yeah you're acting like a slut." i say, deadass

louises pov

"yeah you're acting like a slut" he says, emotionless. fuck him. fuck this

i slap him in the face
"you dick" i say walking out, followed by addison.

"baby are u okay?" she says holding me.

"im fine. he always acts like this when he drinks. i know he doesn mean it, but it pisses me off" i say

"i get it, bryce can be a twat sometimes too" she says rolling her eyes. i smile at her and put my head on her shoulder as we walk to the hotel.

third persons pov

avani and charli were still dancing, together with josh and anthony. jaden was sitting on the couch next to jason and nessa.

"shes so dramatic sometimes" jaden says, burping.

"she really is" nessa adds

"hey jay" a girl says

jaden looks up and a smirk appears on his face.

"hi babygirl" he says as the girl sits down on his lap. shortly after that, they start making out

louises pov

addison and i decided to play the 'who am i game' and it was hilarious.

"Uhm uhm.. orange! like failed tan! looks like he has a mop on his head uh.." i say, making weird gestures with my arms

"UH DONALD TRUMP?" addison yells jumping up and down

"YES!! GOOD JOB" i say giving a double highfive to her. we fall on the bed laughing.

jadens pov

were making out as i place my hand on her butt. i squeeze it, making her giggle.

"jay.." she whispers in my ear

i pick her up and she puts her legs around my waist. i walk to a room and throw her on the bed. i slowly start kissing her neck while she takes off my shirt.

"ohh jaden" she moans

"a-am i a pussy now?" i say in between heavy breathing

"n-no" she giggles, grabbing onto my hair

we finish and i put my clothes back on.

"that was great" cynthia says walking out. i smirk and put on my shoes. what a night

third persons pov

they partied til 3 am then went back to the hotel. all sleeping in their own bed this time.

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