part 56

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louises pov

ohmygod. todays the day. im finding out what gender my twins are! this is actually insane. after this baby shower i will probably move into the apartment. i feel bad staying even longer. even though stephanie's mom said she didnt mind at all, i feel like it is time to leave.

"YOU'RE UP!" stephanie yells

"yeah" i groan

"great coz ur going shopping!" she says

"wait what" before i can even get out of bed properly, stephanie pulls me up, shoves a hoodie in my arms and takes me downstairs.

"cmon addi is waiting outside!"

"okay okay" i say walking to the car

"HEEEEY" addison and dixie say

"HIIII" i say getting in

third persons pov

as the three girls drive to the shopping center, all the other members of the squad show up at stephanie's house

"okay everyone settle down!" stephanie yells

"anthony and chase : get the cakes! noen and griffin: DECORATION! payton and avani; make some snacks!
bryce, buy some drinks NO ALCOHOL FOR OUR BABY MOMMA OKAY?! me and charli are doing the gift table. NOW GET UP AND DO YO THING" she claps

everyone gets up and start doing their jobs.

meanwhile louise is picking out cute outfits that can fit over a baby belly.

louises pov

"now this would be cute" dixie says holding up a flowery dress

"wait it actually would!" i say

"match it with these boots!" addison adds


"yall i cant feel my legs anymore.. and im hungry" addison says

"ugh me too can we go home already" i sigh

dixie checks her phone and then coughs. addi looks at her. they make weird ass faces

"guys ik theyre getting shit ready, you dont have to be so sneaky" i say. dixie and addison both stare at me with wide eyes

"oh... whaaaat? not trueee" dixie says

"can we at least get food?" i ask

"no u gotta wait u impatient bitch"
addison says

i chuckle and we walk into another store

third persons pov


everyone nods

"aight! dix just texted me. theyre on their way" payton says

"okay get into your positions!!!"

louises pov

were finally home again. i grab the bags but dixie snatches them from my hand

"hehe" she smiles

i walk to the door and open it carefully.
i see flags and balloons everywhere and everyone is dressed up so cute. aaah now i get why dixie wanted me to get changed into something cute.

"you guysss" i say with a pouty face

"can we reveal the genders already! i cant keep my mouth shut any longer" charli yells

i chuckle and nod

"okay so louise!! we have confetti canons AND two cakes that reveal the gender of each baby, you have to cut the cakes ofc." stephanie says

"oh my goooood" i say as bryce walks in with two bigass cakes

everyone gets out their confetti canons.

"here, the honour is up to you miss Smith" griffin says kneeling down

"why thank you mr Johnson" i say, bowing before taking the knife.

i breath in and right as im about to cut the cake the doorbell rings. we all go look and see someone standing in the door frame

"missed me?"

oh hell no

A/N: 😬 sorry luvs im a cliffhangerhoe also ITS WEEKEND

q: fav movie?

m: maze runner series, beautiful boy and love, rosie. ( obvi many more but these are just *chef kiss* )

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