part 76

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louises pov

the counter goes 3,2, 1... picture perfect you dont need no filter

i stop the tiktok laughing

"you know you gotta move, right sweetie" i say

rose giggles. i softly grab her arms and start spinning her around.

"are you ready?" i ask

she nods excited. i restart the tiktok.
rose starts dancing around while i look at her in awe. the tiktok finishes as i pick her up and kiss her cheek.

"you're a princess rose" i say scrunching my nose

"im queen!" she brabbles

"alright queen!" i say letting out a chuckle

someone knocks on the door

"come in!" i say

"close your eyes ladies! you cant see this just yet" jaden says

"oooohhhh now i wanna seeee" i say

i hear jaden go to the back of the apartment. putting 'this' down then running into the wall

"ow fuck" he says

i laugh. what an idiot

"can we open eyes! can we, can we!!" rose yells

"yes you can princess" jaden says taking rose into his arms

"uh she upgraded to queen today" i wink

she claps her hands happy

"ahaa! well its nap time queen! your brother wants his sleeping buddy" jaden says taking her to the bedroom

i smile as i see the two walk away. im so lucky to have them.

jadens pov

i put rose down on the bed and tuck her in.

"goodnight queen rose" i whisper

i close the door and go back to the kitchen where i hear voices.

"and then i was thinking 80 people? i know its a lot but i mean me and jaden could each invite 40 people"

"sounds great lu"

"hey whatsup with you?"

"what do you mean"

"you're acting weird today. and yesterday. and the day before yesterday and-" i cut louise off

"stephanie its great to see you!" i say giving her a hug

she gives me an akward smile

"can i talk to you for a sec?" i ask her

louise looks confused

"wedding stuff" i say

i grab stephanie and take her to the door.

"can you be ANY more obvious!" i say mad

"im sorry i just i feel so horrible lying to her" she says

"well you're not lying.. you're just.. not telling the truth!" i say

she gives me a death glare

"look please just act normal, shes already stressed about the wedding"

"i'll try" she pouts

i pat her shoulder

"did you tell noen" i ask

"yeah uh.. he didnt take it well. but i think he just needs some time" she says

i nod and give her a smile

"jaden im sorry" stephanie says

"for what"

"for this" she says grabbing my face and pressing her lips onto mine. i push her away.

she looks at me scared.

i kiss her back.

(again? AFUCKINGAIN! nothing new nothing changed. same old shit. same old FUCKING shit)

third persons pov

as stephanie and jaden are making out,
about a corner away we have louise writing her wedding speech. shes very excited about the big day.

oh and noen? yeah he did NOT take it well. he actually told the entire group, but not literally. he told chase, chase told josh, josh told bryce and well bryce told everyone. what a surprise right

so everyone knows, except for the poor louise, who is getting cheated on for the fourth time.

"someones GOTTA tell her" josh says

"no she'll get hurt!" noen says

"well she deserves to know shes marrying a cheater" addison says angry

"i cant believe him" dixie says eyerolling

"such a dick" charli says

"ant man you good" chase asks

"i feel horrible." anthony says

"why's that?" bryce asks

"i was the first person who broke her heart. now shes getting betrayed for the THIRD time." he says

"fourth time actually" payton says walking in

"PAYTON?!" they all yell in harmony

"i was gonna surprise louise. but i walked in to those fuckers making out. and then i came here to tell you guys" he says

"oh my god. oh my fucking god. this is horrible." addison says with tears in her eyes

"hey its okay baby we'll figure it out" bryce says comforting her

"one things for sure." avani says

"were fucking telling her this time."

A/N : i- im sorry? HA no i'm not i love drama. oh and stan this friend group for clear skin

📍 q: what do you think is gonna happen next?

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