part 2

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i texted the girls ( cupcate : cate, fremma : emma )
hola chica's can we meet up at the parking lot?

cupcate : yessir
ems : see you there lu

i walk towards the parking lot as a hand grabs my wrist.
i turn around and see mrs Brooks, my math teacher. she was the nicest teacher ever.
" i'll truly miss you louise, you were a great student" she says, smiling.
i look at her confused
" thanks i'll- miss you too?" i say
she smiles and pets my shoulder.
What was that about?

i sit down in the car, still confused about what just happened.
" ru okay girl?" Cate asks, looking concerned.
'yeah fine something weird just happen-' i get cut off by emma jumping into the car
"omg spill ems" cate says excited.
" IM GETTING A CAAAAAR!" she screams.
"thats so dope!" i cheer
"It really fuckin is, now i don't have to be the taxidriver anymore' cate smiles while starting the car.
We chuckle as we drive off

time skip

I wave at the girls as they drove off while i put my keys in the lock.
I throw my bag on the table and grab a snack from the fridge.
'Lu, is that you?' (lmao that rhymes' my mom yells
weird, she's never home this early.
'Yeah it's me' i say walking to the living room
she tells me to sit down
'what's wrong' i ask
she looks concerned
'This is not an easy thing to say..' she pauses, looking for the right words.
'Mom you're scaring me' i say
'We're moving. To Los Angeles.' she looks down at her hands
'WHAT?' I yell
she says nothing
'I can't leave all my friends behind? I wont!'
'I'm sorry louise, i really am but i think this is the best for both of us. Since your dad passed, it's been so hard. Everything in this house, in this village reminds me of him.'
I feel bad for her
My dad got diagnosed with cancer about two years ago. It just kept going downhill. He didn't make it.
It broke my moms heart.
I sigh and tuck my hair behind my ears.
'I need some time' i say
she looks at me with teary eyes
i go up to my room and sit on the bed
i do nothing
i don't listen to music
i don't text my friends
i just sit and stare at the wall in front of me

the next morning

I wake up to the sound of my alarm
I get up fast
don't eat cause i do not feel hungry
i pick an outfit ; mom jeans and a plain black tshirt
I don't feel like trying my best today
As i try to make my hair look somewhat decent, someone honks
Cate ofcourse.
I make a low bun, grab my bag and lock the door behind me.
'Took you long enough' cate says teasingly
I roll my eyes as i get into the back
'Want a sip?' emma asks as she sticks out her iced coffee
'no thanks I'm good' i smile
Today i had to tell them i was moving.
But how?

A/N : HOLAAA ok so heres part two, lol its a bit long so i hope ya dont get bored. i promise once she gets in LA everything will be more interesting! love you all!

A/N: 💅 slay fr

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