part 74

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jadens pov

louise sits down in the taxi.

"shit uh i forgot something brb" i say

she looks at me confused but just nods. i run back upstairs.

"took you long enough!" addison says

i roll my eyes

"okay so who's gonna watch elio and rose?" i say

"dont worry i took care of it" addison says

i raise an eyebrow at her

"daisy will babysit. shes amazing with children and besides, theyre both asleep already" she says

"oh thats great! okay uhm lets go then?" i say

"good luck bro" bryce says while dabbing me up

addison gives me a quick hug and then i run back down to the taxi.

"what did you forget?" louise asks

"uh i just said goodnight to elio and rose" i lie

louises pov

"you never told me what restaurant we are going to" i say

"yeah well its a surprise" he says looking at his phone

i cant look outside cause the cab has some weird ass windows.

"were almost there sir" the driver says

jaden nods and gets out a blindfold

"seriously?" i ask

he smirks and puts it on me. he then guides me out of the car and picks me up.

"jaden.. what are you doing" i ask

he doesnt say a word but just puts me back down.


"just stand there" he says

i stand there for like 10 minutes.

"my legs are kinda starting to hurt. and why is it so fucking cold?" i say

i hear jaden chuckling.

"okay. you can take it off" he says

i slowly take it off and open my eyes.

"jay- oh my god" i say

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"jay- oh my god" i say

he walks up to me and sits down on one knee.

"louise rose smith, will you make me the happiest dude in the world?" he clears his throat

"will you marry me?"

i stand still for a while, not being able to move. amazed and shocked by what just happened. i start crying but wipe away the tears. jaden looks at me concerned

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