part 63

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louises pov

i jump up and look at him with wide eyes.

"jay?" i cough " jaden? are you there? can u hear me? squeeze again if you can hear me okay ?"

no squeeze. i wait and wait. but no response. i sigh and sit back down. it was probably just a... shock? or something? i dont fucking know

i walk to the window and stare at the view.

its a beautiful day. the sun is shining and a light breeze causes the leaves on the trees to dance a little. theres a small river with ducks swimming around. people sitting in the grass, other people feeding the ducks. 

i smile and look around some more. a little girl is playing in the grass with her dad. they are both smiling and having a good time. without even noticing, i start smiling too.

"beautiful day, isnt it?" the nurse says walking in the room.

"it really is" i say turning around

"did anything new happen" she asks

for a moment, i doubt telling her. only because it probably meant nothing. but if it did, i should.

"actually there is, he squeezed my hand" i say

the nurse looks at me with her jaw on the floor

"wait really?!" she asks

"yes! just a few minutes ago" i answer

"i'll be right back" she says

i sit back down and take his hand. ive done this like 8262891 times but since he squeezed my hand, i will do it a thousand times again.

"jayjay, your nap lasted long enough yeah? wake the fuck up" i say, making myself chuckle a bit

"louise.. i should probably tell you now" the nurse says

"t-tell me what?" i ask concerned

"well, jaden is in a coma,"

yeah no fucking shit

"thing is he can actually h-" before she can finish her sentence i jump up and scream


the nurse runs to jaden and grabs her little light. she opens his eyes and shines the light into them

"mr hossler, can you hear me? squeez mrs smiths hand if you can" she says

we wait. and wait.. but no response

"im gonna get the doctor!" she says walking out

i sit on his bed and kiss his forehead. someone groans, and i for sure know that wasnt me.

i look around but no one is there. the person groans again. i look at jaden and see his face turn into a frown


he slightly opens his eyes.

i start tearing up.

"l-louise?" he says, his voice sounding a bit dry

"yes baby. oh my god you're awake. you're actually awake" i say wiping away my tears

"you waited" he says

"ofcourse i did" i say

he puts in all his effort to crack a smile.

nurses persons pov

i run to doctor Ravens and tell her what just happened. she nods and takes some stuff, then joins me.

we walk back to the room but right when were about to enter, we hear two voices.

"huh?" i say

she grabs my hand and pulls me to the window.

and there we see, the young couple, holding hands while finally being able to talk to each other again.

"lets just.. give them their moment" she
says. i nod

we smile and fistbump each other.

"we did it" she says

"we did it" i repeat

A/N : *cries in omfg baes* anyways i have a math test tmrrw and even though i kinda understand, im still so stressed. ( anxiety be like LMAO )

q : fav movie?

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